But it hasn't been fixed yet, I was hoping it would when this build came out. Every time I create a system in the system creator, no matter how I set a planets orbit, it will change when I start a game. EVERY TIME. I'm not talking about an elliptical orbit, or something strange like that, I mean a perfectly circular orbit, going around a planet, of any type, will say screw you to the planet, and begin orbiting the sun. No matter what. If it is in a super close orbit to the planet and behind it, it'll just start chasing the planet through the whole game. If it was next to the planet, on a wider orbit, it'll eventually fall behind. There is no sort of orbiting celestial bodies of any sort other than going around the sun. I have reported this bug, at least a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks ago on the specific bug reporting site, but again, nothing whatsoever. I am really, really bored of playing on other peoples' systems and the basic 2 planet systems that the game generates (which reset their orbits also) WTF is going on.
I don't know if it's relevant but your starting planet can't be a moon. If you do try to start on a moon it's orbit will automaticly change to one around the sun. Also you might want to check the mass of the planets a moon will only orbit a planet that is heavier.
Well, I don't typically use moons to do it, but i have tried and it doesn't work either way... And I usually make sure the mass of the center planet is greatest, usually by a large amount (at least 500- 600 more than the moon or moons) I have tried such a large combination of different planets and moons, sizes, amount of orbiting bodies, masses, biomes, distances from the sun, distances from the planet being orbited, where the center planet is located at the start. I mean I have tried EVERYTHING. I have had this issue about as long as I have had the actual game also, which is almost 2 months now
Can you compile a screen shot album of the system you want to create please? I'll try recreate it exactly
It's sketchy as hell based on how many planets you have and what order you added them, and where they are placed in orbit. In general each new planet tends to orbit in the opposite direction to the previous, irrespective of any changes you make to orbit direction.
I could do a screen shot, but this happens with any kind of system in any form. I can play systems online that other people have made, those ones behave normally. But only if I am playing with them. As soon as i try to load it up and play, people or AI, it'll do its own thing. I have had maybe 1 game at any point in time where what I personally made is what I play on. I mean, I have sat next to my brother and assembled the exact same systems before as him, over and over. his work, mine does not. I'll compile an album later to show, but really, it can be anything I make.