MNC= Video game form of 1984 if 1984 had clones. Think about it. All the refrences to the curfews and government issued food tubes. This will probably be the basis for every dark toned MNC fanfic.
I wouldn't exactly call it 1984 with clones in game form. It's just a dystopian future. It's closer to past Rome in the future. Gladiators fighting to entertain. The Colosseum was built to entertain and distract the masses from their problems.
True, but with all of Mickey Cantor's lines and the Assassin's bio it seems like the government in Monday Night Combat are abusing the citizens, kinda like 1984.
i always got Idiocracy out of it, or even like a 'brave new world' feel, 'being bred to do something for the rest of your life and the general carefreeness.
Spunky: The thirst annihilator! Spunky: It's got what Pros crave, ELECTROLYTES! Brought to you by Carl's Jr. :lol:
Anyone who writes dark MNC fanfic is an idiot. Anyone who writes fanfic at all really needs to get out of bed, take a shower and get a damn job.
I'll admit, the tiny slivers of the MNC universe we see make me hungry for more. Little snip-its about feeding tubes, government curfews, corporations in control, junk food as the only food, rampant cloning, desensitization to violence, advanced tech... There is a lot of potential here. I'm tempted to run an RPG in this world, and would honestly love to hear more bits and pieces of what this future is like from Uber! The way Valve has slowly unfolded the mythos around TF2 is very inspiring, and I hope Uber agrees with me As a side, I would say the setting feels closer to Brave New World then 1984. There seems to be a clear emphasis on consumption, with MNC as the soma equivalent, mind-numbing action violence to placate the pleebs? Lastly, when people ask me what kind of game MNC is, I mention the games it shares DNA with, and always end with saying it's all set int he Smash TV universe
I heard a new line that sounds a lot like something from 1984 Lucky man! You've been chosen to donate your liver to the upper class! Sounds like something out of 1984, being forced to donate a part of yourself to the upper class like human cattle. Site looks a little suspect, but I suppose if they have htpps security protocols it should be fine. Dang, I think they're out. But they do have BRAWNDO: The thirst Mutilator shirts. ... Brought to you by Carl's Jr.