But how did you guys at Uber decide on achievements? Are there rules? I personally like how they are all achievable while just playing for fun, and not having to grind away just to get 5 stupid points.
I had to kinda grind away for the 10 grapple kills in one Crossfire match?... Then again the Assassin isn't really my style.
Assassin isn't really my style. But a 15 minute match is hardly a grind. Not like say Assassin's creed where you have to collect all 100 flags that take 2 hours searching through one city, then going to the next and the next. 10 grapple kills is hardly a grind.
I think I actually used Sniper for my grapple kill cheevo. I don't even remember HOW I got in ten Sniper grapples in one match X.X
i built myself a sniper assassin (speed, armor, skill recovery) and ran around with him in my first week of play and got it there.
i had been gunner cause he actually sounded a bit like me but i got a bit bored.So i looked through the classes..."lets see,um sniper, i cant aim, assassin, cant stealth, support, dont feel like it...lets try assault. *upgrades charge* pretty cool *after killing a failed assassin and upgrades last time, then proceeds to own a sniper* That was epic!" most fun ive ever had getting an achievement, no kidding
Seeing this thread pop back up reminded me of this fact for XBLA games. They are allowed 12 achievements at max equaling to 200 gamerpoints. Anything more must be added through paid DLC.