I don't post a lot but DLC and Excuses are unacceptable

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Drizydraker0ger, April 26, 2011.


Uber Excuse that you believe

Poll closed April 28, 2011.
  1. Microsoft is to hard to deal with

    17 vote(s)
  2. Pc is easier to update so we rather not work on 360

    8 vote(s)
  3. We talked to Microsoft but just one talk let us know not to try

    2 vote(s)
  4. You will get stuff just wait haha. Looks at Pc gives another map

    13 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

    Likes Received:
    This game dropped for Xbox 360 first. Most of the buyers are on Xbox. Now Dlc is delayed and we are given the time old excuse our hands are tied behind our back. We need to focus on the steam version. I think more then enough was focused on steam version. Improved maps,Costumes,Taunts,New maps, Constant string of updates. Now people would gladly pay for dlc maps. Now I wonder why Uber has persisted to say Microsoft is the problem. If Microsoft has a policy that is hindering both you and them making money shouldn't you address it so we can all move forward. You signed a contract so you knew what restrictions you had to adhere to why not figure a way to work things out through this system. Now i'm tired of Uber making excuses. Meetup with Microsoft execs already you would be loved for the changes you can help push forward . Now what is harder to do contact Microsoft and work out a new system or is that another persons problem cause uber can care less about the situation. No effort on one part. I read something about Valve being easy to work with a simple sit down laugh and tf2 skins and hats where in the MNC just as easy as that. Shouldn't uber be upset they can't conduct business like this with Microsoft if someone is messing up the money why would You/Uber Allow this? Is anyone else confused as to why Uber likes getting shafted and then shafts us by not doing anything?
  2. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    I don't think I understood a word of that.
  3. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

    Likes Received:
    1. Paragraphs please
    2. Biased much?
  4. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

    Likes Received:
    This is a terrible thread.

    And you should feel terrible.
  5. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

    Likes Received:
    Change from "hard to deal with" to "impossible to deal with".
  6. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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  7. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    If you want the short version of it. If Microsoft is hard to deal with change it so both parties can make money. Easier friendlier system to use more updates more maps more revenue. Halting development on the 360 version cause steam is new is unheard of when the player base is on the 360. Biased where at. I heard of people not liking the way things are run and joining up. Cough cough Unions Cough cough Voting. All of this deals with the problem. All indie developers should join up versus saying Microsoft has the last word it seems like a lazy approach. I'm sure this is more coherent then my earlier ramble. Hope it helps.
  8. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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    There's more players on PC......
  9. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Any game that uses Live(be it XBL/GfWL) has to run updates/new content past MS's QAs before it can be released
    If those QAs find something they don't like, it gets punted back to be fixed. One round can take 2 weeks to a month and that's if it doesn't get punted back to Uber

    PC version doesn't use Live and may or may not have to go past the Steam QA team and since updates can be applied at any time Steam is open, it means updates/etc can be punched out faster for the PC

    Just because Uber is taking longer to get content on XBL doesn't mean they're being lazy or have forsaken the 360, it means they have to jump through a few more hoops to get the content out
  10. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    Yes this is what i'm getting at. Break down all these barriers. We pay for live correct. We pay for the content on live. We can pay more for the dlc maps. Make it easier. Help us help you. Learn the system figure out how to improve it make it easier. If steam is having people love it why not alter the xbox live one to compete with steam. Figure a quicker process money will be saved and profits will go up. Uber should do something.
  11. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    What is Uber supposed to do? Tell Microsoft that their system is retarded? Yeah, that will help.
  12. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Uber is a small developer and I doubt anyone at Uber is a shareholder in Microsoft, so I figure it's unlikely that MS will listen to anything Uber has to say about how they run Live
  13. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

    Likes Received:
    True so I guess people who like the small guys to make money Uber will never get what the company could be. I guess all there future games going to the Pc. There is no point in dropping one for the xbox if we will get the same results as now.
  14. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    You seem to be operating under the mistaken conclusion that Uber is an omnipotent entity capable of altering the long-standing policies of a multi-billion-dollar corporation at a whim, rather than sixteen guys who just wanted to make a video game.

    EDIT: And that Microsoft cares at all about how well games do on XBLA. They just host the games and get free money. The XBox is, first and foremost, a console. That means that the vast majority of the money it generates comes from the sale of consoles, console accessories, and actual physical copies of games, rather than the Arcade.

    The amount of money generated by the Arcade is negligible when compared to the amount of money generated by the other sales, even for games as popular as Monday Night Combat. Microsoft doesn't even do anything for this; they just said "hey, people, want to sell your game over our system? Fine, just cut us in for X percent", and then receive free money.

    Changing their policies to allow easier, larger updates costs them money. Meetings to decide on the new policies cost them money. Increasing the update speed and size costs them money, because they have to invest more in their hosts for the games that are now getting updated so frequently. Why would they spend money to lower their profits from the Arcade? They don't get anything extra out of it, and it just costs them more.

    Uber simply doesn't have any power in this situation. It sucks, but there it is. They might be able to win special concessions for MNC because it's such a popular game, but that isn't guaranteed, and bitching at Uber about their inability to change Microsoft's collective minds about it doesn't get us anywhere. You're just whining at a bunch of people who've put in a hell of a lot of work to give you a great game because they haven't done the impossible.
  15. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    But yet when they tell us that they have tons of DLC planned and then stop telling us about it and move onto talking about what they're doing next for Steam tells me otherwise.

    You know what I do like about developers? Keeping us INFORMED of things at least weekly or monthly. Uber just can't do that well.

    PS: I wasn't aware you worked for Microsoft to know all of what they're saying behind the scenes, Foolamancer.

    Unless you just thought it was common knowledge out on a whim?
  16. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

    Likes Received:
    I am just full of surprises.

    Common knowledge? Apparently not. Common knowledge for anyone who actually stops to think about it for a second? Yes.

    My post actually isn't commenting on what Microsoft's policies are, because I don't know what they are. I'm taking Uber's word for it that it's something that Microsoft has in place that is keeping them from updating.

    The rest is common knowledge. If you understand anything about businesses, anyway. No company is going to spend money to cut deeper into their profit margin. Microsoft gets money from MNC. To allow faster, larger updates for MNC, Microsoft would have to spend money. What is the return that Microsoft would get for this investment? Negative dollars, because free updates don't give you any return.

    This isn't a matter of me having inside knowledge of Microsoft. It's simple economics. Like, ECON 101 stuff. People do not spend money for the privilege of losing more money.
  17. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    You seem to be missing my point of "Uber not keeping us Xbox 360 players of what the Hell they are doing with themselves at the moment once in a while or every week".

    They don't even SPEAK about the Xbox 360 version anymore, no, everything has to be about Steam now.

    Could you explain THAT one at least?

    EDIT: Plus, the "BUY NOW" button at the top of the screen seems to take people to the Steam store now. It used to go to the Xbox Marketplace. Talk about misleading, they SHOULD have a "BUY NOW" option for both Steam and Xbox Marketplace. People are going to come here, expecting to buy it on Xbox Live but no, they get taken to the Steam store.

    How thoughtful.
  18. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    I didn't argue against that point, because that point wasn't what this thread was about.
  19. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Sure you did. You've got no answer to that, that's why.
  20. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    Uh... no, I didn't.

    This thread is talking about the overall lack of an update, and how Uber is "making excuses" about it being Microsoft's policies that are causing the problem. It is not about Uber's lack of communication with the community.

    Read my post again. I didn't address your comment about Uber's lack of communication, just your question to me.

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