I Don't Like Fodder - DeadStretch's Tank Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by DeadStretch, December 18, 2010.

  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    [WIP] - Work In Progress
    Note: This style of Tank play requires you to have Bot killing and control as your top priority. The only time you should ever go Pro hunting is if they are a direct threat to you and your objective. Be prepared to die often, you are basically the teams martyr. I am also a very heavy Jet gun Tank and unless otherwise noted I am referring to this weapon. This is my heavily objective guide to the Tank for Crossfire.

    • "I don't like fodder, so take care of business or I take care of you!"

    • I. Introduction
      II. Endorsements
      III. Skills
      IV. Weapons
      V. Main Roles
      VI. Income Management
      VII. Tank Match-Ups (coming soon)
      VIII. Early Game (coming soon)
      IX. Mid Game (coming soon)
      X. Late Game and Overtime (coming soon)
      XI. Arena Specific strategies (coming soon)

    This Guide is brought to you by Smedley's Regeneration Bars!
    Lying in a pool of your own blood? Fading in and out of consciousness? Sounds like time for a Smedley bar!
    Smedley's is the tasty treat, that gets you up and on your feet.

    Speed is an essential part of any objective-based multiplayer game. Why would players want to pick the slowest character? Because playing the brute can be fun. It is fun to lumber into a firefight, and have everyone immediately switch to shooting you because youre now the big threat. On top of the visceral joy of being the toughest guy in the room, if played right, Tanks can be devastatingly effective. Tanks are the brutes of the game, they can absorb an immense amount of damage. The Tanks health advantage is offset by a few disadvantages, like being the slowest class, loses mid-ranged battles, and because they are bullet magnets and so large they are very visible and easy to shoot.

    I dont believe there really is an ultimate loadout, but there are some endorsements that the Tank makes better use of. As for weapons, the Tank can be pretty effective with either of his weapons, but the objective minded Tank makes good use of both. The one must-have endorsement for Tanks, Imo, is Skill Recovery. Tanks are very effective when using their skills making skill recovery almost essential. There really isnt a must-have build for Tanks eithersome like Rate of Fire builds (using the Railgun), some like Speed (high mobility), while I'm personally starting to really like Critical Shot.

    II. Endorsements
    • Gold: XXX
    • Silver: Armor
    • Bronze: Skill Recovery

    We have nailed down a very simple yet effective Tank endorsement formula. Silver Armor paired with the Tank's passive skill grants him more then enough health to survive. Bronze Skill Recovery is almost a must if you want to use his skills frequently. While most players will use the Bronze endorsement slot to highlight their play style I like to use the Gold endorsement slot. This way you'll be receiving the maximum benefit while maintaining a solid base.

    My Main Gold Endorsements:
    Health Recovery - Tanks naturally have slow health regeneration and being able to recover faster helps him retain on the battlefield longer using Hit & Run tactics. Taking as many bots out as possible before you have to retreat for cover to regenerate. When deploying at level 2 health will recover almost instantly if not taking any damage.

    Critical Shot - Adds that extra bite to your Jet gun helping you melt down bots and tear through armored Pros faster! This is slowly becoming my favorite gold endorsement. The Jet Gun does more damage the closer it is to the target and with Critical Shot is does a great deal of extra damage. Not only do you take out Pros and Bots faster turrets go down like they are made of plastic. The Railgun, non-juiced, does a killer amount of damage to Jackbot XL's as well.

    Clip Size - Tanks earn more Juice for using the "fuel" on their Jet gun to take out bots then they would if he Death Blossomed. You'll also be able to use more of your "fuel" before your almighty Death Blossom sees the damage drop-off based on the percentage of a full "tank." The increased "tank" size also aids in destroying turrets before they are able to take you out. Reloading just as they near red health can mean lights out. Also firebases don't stand a chance against a gold clip size Tank.

    *Spunky Cola Special*
    Since the Dlc came out I have been messing around with Gold Juice. At first it was me just being a fanboy and using it for fun. I actually found it to be a great endorsement choice for this play style and build. Bots drop a lot of juice boxes and since they are the main focus we get to pick it all up. Also since you tend to die a lot you really do benefit your team from re-spawning.

    III. Skills
    Product Grenade 2 is a must for the simple fact that it blinds Pros and stuns Bots. Upgrading to Passive 2 using a clutch passive if needed. Charge 3 is upgraded to help deal with advancing Pros. Keep them away from your Bots while you destroy theirs. Product Grenade 3 is used to deal with bigger and multiple waves of enemy Bots. Deploy 2 is used for the *Health Recovery and Deploy 3 is for Moneyball melting.
    *If using a Health Recovery endorsement deploying is just as effective as pulling a clutch passive. Health recovery requires you to not take damage for a short period of time.
    • Buy Order:
      • Product Grenade 2
        Charge 2
        Passive 2
        Charge 3
        Product Grenade 3
        Deploy 2
        Passive 3
        Deploy 3 (optional)

    Product Grenade: At level 1 they are basically useless and I find that upgrading them to at least level 2 a must. Upgrading it up to level 2 adds advertisement blinding to enemy Pros and also stuns Bots and Turrets. Using it to stun turrets can be a huge benefit while assaulting the enemy base. Once at level 3 it becomes the ultimate bot controlling tool. While it is hard to be at multiple places in an arena at once, level 3 Product Grenade helps you control both enemy bot lanes. Not only does level 3 stun them but it splits into a devastating cluster that destroys groups of Blackjacks.

    Charge: Level 1 Charge really just helps with the Tank's slow movement. Upgrading to level 2 increases it's damage and decreases it's recovery time. Charge level 3 is a monster and is something that other Pros should be on the look out for. Besides further increasing it's damage and decreasing it's recovery time even more it also adds a knock down and stun effect to any enemy in it's path. Upgrade to Charge 3 as soon as possible as it is great for both offensive and defensive advancements. Use your Charge wisely when facing other Pros though, don't telegraph when and where it's going to coming from. Using Charge against Bots is a good way to back them off the Moneyball as a last effort to save your shields.

    Deploy: Yeah, yeah, We all know that if a Tank deploys in front of an enemy Lazer Blazer he'll gain juice just as fast as Mickey Cantor saying "Monday Night Combat" at the main menu, but it has other great uses too! For one at level 2 Deploying for a couple of seconds can start your health recovery sooner. Deploy at level 3 grants the Tank the biggest clip in the game, endless. No reloading needed while deployed with level 3 because it adds ammo regeneration. On top of all that deploying makes the Tank and his weapons even more stronger, also increasing the Jet Gun's range making it great to use while in cover. Don't forget you can use the jump button to blast fire from your jetpacks and burn any enemies behind you.

    Passive: Even though the Tank naturally has high health his Passive adds even more Health and grants him slightly faster Health Recovery at level 2. Level 3 further increases your Health while paired with Silver Armor will allow you to survive Assassin's Katana backstab and a Sniper's Headshot. Passive adds more health what more is there to say? :arrow:

    IV. Weapons
    While I mainly use the Jet Gun with my style the Railgun is just as important for the objective minded Tank. In order to be a threat to the enemy and their Bots at all times it requires you to use the Tank's entire arsenal.

    Jet Gun: Ahhh, the mighty Jet Gun. My pride and Joy. When used right this thing can do some serious damage! The closer the enemy is to your nozzle the more it is going to hurt bringing them to guts & bolts faster. Using the Jet Gun makes you a big target at mid-range, so use your skills to either retreat or close the distance. Without using any endorsements to beef it up, the Jet Gun is already a very powerful weapon and can melt down Bots and Turrets with no problem.

    Death Blossom: With the mighty Jet Gun comes the almighty alternate fire, the Death Blossom! At 100% damage, a full clip, no wave of bots can stand in your way. Spin 'round and 'round and watch all the Bots get ground...into pieces. Watch out though the Bots don't always go down with one spin. Overhealed Blackjacks and Bouncers will take a bit more effort.

    Railgun: The Railgun is a hitscan weapon meaning there is no projectile travel time when you shoot at an enemy. It also travels through targets allowing you to hit multiple bots. I mainly use my Railgun when the enemy team has control of an area I am trying to invade using it to pick off Bots from a distance. I am also on the look out for any retreating, dying Pros since the hitscan of the Railgun makes it easier for me to catch them fleeing.

    Railgun Grapple: The alternate fire for the Railgun and is quite a useful grapple. Whether you are in a bind trying to reload or you are just buying some time dealing with a juiced Pro it is always there when you need it.

    V. Main Roles

    Bot Controller: The main role as an objective minded Tank is to escort your bots to the enemy base while you destroy their bots and distract enemy Pros. The key is to not push forward too fast, the smaller the gap is in your bot line the more bots you can have packed into an area. Even though killing enemy bots can be considered your number one priority there is such a thing as killing them too fast. Sometimes letting the bots duke it out can be a great way to push forward. Being able to effectively push and control lanes is how you make quick & easy money while aiding in map control.

    Enemy Disabler: The Tank is great at disabling Pros, Bots and Turrets. Both his Charge and Product Grenade stun enemy Pros and Bots thus making them easier to deal with when you need to attack or defend. The Product Grenade can also stun enemy turrets causing them to stop shooting momentarily, it is also essential in aiding with the destruction of Jackbot XL's stunning them in place temporarily stopping them from moving forward.

    Base Assaulter: Without Juice the Tank is the strongest base assaulter and that's partly due to his high health. His Product Grenade paired with the Jet Gun is devastating to enemy defenses add Deploying on top of that, no turret stands in your way. The one turret a Tank really needs to be on the look for are Rock-Its, this is not including the Support's firebase. It is always best to assault with at least one group of allied bots. Turrets having a specific firing priority and Bots come before Pros meaning they will target enemy bots before they target you. Using your Product Grenade to stun the turret so your bots can live a little longer and take fire from the turret before it targets you. After you stun the Turret with your Product Grenade it is always a good idea to deploy. Besides being able to destroy the turret faster it also means you can't get grappled or charged away.

    The Martyr: This is mainly when playing in random public matches. Since communication isn't always prevalent sacrificing yourself to stop enemy bots can be your only real saving grace. Giving the amount of damage a full clip Death Blossom can do against bots makes this role somewhat effortless. If there was one thing pub. players did the least I would say that's killing bots. Playing random solo public matches can be fun, it can also help further your skills and understanding of the game without always relying on your teammates. Gold Juice is also a really great choice for this play style.

    VI. Income Management
    Skills - Between $1400 and $2200 / $600 for all level 2 skills.

    • At the start of each match you have $300 and this is enough to buy two skills at $150 buy both your blue and red active skills at level 2.
    • Upgrading to Passive 2 ($150) depends on the situation and pace of the match but it is most well spent when used as a *clutch passive.
    • If you feel you don't need Passive 2 and already have enough to buy Charge 3 ($400) then do it as soon as possible.
    • Product Grenade 3 ($400) and Deploy 2 ($150) also depend on the pace and situation of the game.
    • If you are pushing I would upgrade Deploy, if the enemy team has good map control upgrade Product Grenade 3.
    • Passive 3 ($400) is a mid-to-late game upgrade or if you find you need that last bit of surviving power.
    • Deploy 3 ($400) is late game and I mainly use it against the Moneyball.
    *A Clutch Passive is when you upgrade the passive skill just as you are nearing death. This will result with full health since you had upgraded.

    Hazards - While they can be left for the more agile and mobile classes if the situation calls for it the Tank can use them as well.

    • Ejectors: At only $50 the ejector is great for controlling bots and disabling Pros. Ejectors are also capable of getting a ring out and this can be great against a high value target. Timing is everything with the Ejector since most of the time you can be seen setting it off. Catching Pros off guard is crucial. Again at only $50 the Tank should be able to us them often when needed but just like everyone else be on the look out for them himself.
    • Annihilator: The Tank is a good candidate for pressing the Annihilator button with his high amount of health. He is able to make his way there and stay alive long enough for it to activate after he presses the button. It being at $250 means it isn't a high priority for the Tank unless he has at least two level 3 skills or it is a last effort of defense. Once he is comfortably upgraded the Annihilator should be his area of watch and reign setting it off whenever he needs it.
    • Juice: The only time I really buy juice is either during Overtime or if the enemy team has heavy defenses. Although the Tank becomes the ultimate killing machine he is still quite powerful un-juiced. When the enemy team has a great defense where multiple turrets attack being juiced is sometimes needed to penetrate. Once you are Upgraded with Red/Blue/Passive 3 it's always safe to keep at least $400-$500 "in your pocket" as often as possible. Doing so gives you the choice of five expenses, Juice, Upgrades, Turrets, Bots, Hazards. Everything you need to win.

    Turrets - This is where being a martyr can really "pay off." If you notice your base needing turrets you can throw yourself at the bots and make some quick & easy extra cash to help kick start the rebuilding of your teams defenses. Since an objective minded Tank has many ways to make money spending it on low-level turrets aren't a big loss. Upgraded and/or Hacked they will always be of good use to your team.

    • Shave-Ice: These are the main turrets I like to build as an objective Tank since they can be extremely helpful for you and your team. The price is decent enough to spend cash on, $100 to build, $200 level 2 and $400 to level 3. We all know Shave-Ice turrets don't net you any cash directly but the money your teams earns from it's benefit makes up for it. The slowing effect is what makes them worth it and the fact they expose enemy Assassins is a big help to the rest of your team. It also slows their juiced dissension onto your defenses. If an allied Support hacks the Shave-Ice it becomes one monster of a defensive turret. Placement is important as well and making high traffic areas key.

    Bouncers: Alone Bouncers are nothing more than a slight distraction but used in the right situation they can be very helpful both offensively and defensively. Bouncers will attack just about everything. Enemy Pros, Turrets and even the Moneyball. The cost of Bouncers are only $100.

    • Offensively - Spawning at the right moment for an attack can gain you a few turret and kill assists, possibly even a grapple kill which is awesome to think about. This big ape like bot just slammed a Pro to death. When the enemy's Moneyball shields are down Bouncers can create "chaos on the dancefloor," chasing after any enemy Pro on floor level.
    • Defensively - Very useful when your own Moneyball's shields are down. They will chase off enemy Pros clearing the way for you to do the bot controlling. This is also a way to make space while you build/upgrade turrets.

    Bullseye the official Monday Night Combat Mascot: Bullseye spawns before the Jackbot XL's which is every 5 minutes. For an objective Tank Bullseye can be a distraction or a gold mine. The Mascot can provide you with coin and juice and quite frequently gives you enough to upgrade a skill or have a full juice bar. Ejectors can also slow Bullseye down making him easier to shoot. Don't forget to melee for extra juice.

    *Bullseye's Lucky Charm*
    He is not just the biggest fan of MNC but he is also it's "lucky rabbit's foot." With each lucky charm there is a special way to "rub" it. In the case of Bullseye we grapple him and do the lucky "Belly Flop Flip!"
    Last edited: January 11, 2011
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    This break is brought to you by Achille's Ocular Implants!
    Our disposable ocular implants include full-scale real time anatomical maps of the opponent of your choosing. Achilles brand ocular implants are NOT void where prohibited. Do you hear that, Vermont? Go suck an egg.
    If the mind is your enemy's greatest weapon, all the more reason to shoot them in head.

    Reserved for Match-Ups Against the Tank:
    • Pro Match-Ups
    • Bot Match-Ups
    • Turret Match-Ups

    Reserved for Early, Mid and Late Game Strategies

    Reserved for Overtime Tactics
    Last edited: December 24, 2010
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    This break is brought to you by AmmoMule
    Stop embarrassing reloads BEFORE they happen. AmmoMule
    Keep your Ammo Cool and Your Bacon Hot

    Reserved for Arena Specific Strategies
    • Ammo Mule Arena
    • GrenADE III Arena
    • LaseRazer Arena
    • Spunky Cola Arena
    • Steel Peel Arena

    Reserved for links to other great guides.

    Assault Guides:
    SHS's Assault Guide
    MCxShammas' Assault Guide

    Assassin Guides:
    BoltAktion's Assassin compendium
    I LIED! Pitgirl's nemesis returns! Rev's Spunky Assassin!
    Hi, I'm Snarf, and this is my assassin guide.

    Gunner Guides:
    DeadEye's Gunner Guide
    OfficerFuttBuck's guide to doing it tiki style.

    Sniper Guides:
    The guide to teh sniperenz
    "Aggressive" or "Pushing" Sniper Guide

    Support Guides:
    I'mma Bursting Full of the Juices! (SXD24's Support Guide)

    Tank Guides:
    LOOKING GOOD!: Im Hudson's Guide to the Ability Spam Tank
    xShammas' Post DLC Tank
    Last edited: December 28, 2010
  4. F5in

    F5in New Member

    Likes Received:
    I haven't read it yet but this looks VERY well organized. O_O

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nice guide, ill have a try with some new gold enorsements tonight.
  6. ROWAN1551

    ROWAN1551 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Hmm, I'd never thought of Gold health Regeneration, I think I'll be trying this out tonight. Nice guide so far!
  7. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

    Likes Received:
    This might be the best guide I've ever read, no matter which class. You can see you've spent some time making it, so that's great.

    Also, I share your playing style, and there might be some tips for me in the update.
  8. Rannek17

    Rannek17 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Decent advice, but it would be easy to read without the unnecesary font colors.
  9. JuniorBarnes

    JuniorBarnes New Member

    Likes Received:
    Excellent guide. I noticed your Tank build when we were playing against each other just a few minutes ago and I was intrigued.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    I will be updating the guide this week. I will add in all the Match-Up and Early/Mid/Late Game info. I plan on making some videos for my Arena strategies so that will be updated later.
  11. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Fantastic guide. Not my personal Tank style, but it's amazing, clear you put a lot of time into it. I also like how you linked guides for other classes, that's really helpful.
  12. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

    Likes Received:
    +1 to crits on the jetgun. if you dont use railgun, crits > RoF. the jet gun crits 3-5 times a clip.
  13. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

    Likes Received:
    Hmmm, very nicely written work.

    One question though... you assert the railgun is hitscan while the sniper rifle isn't? I swear I asked about that in the Q&A thread on general and got the reply that all the weapons in that game that aren't explosives are really hitscan and the tracer fire are just visuals.
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Yes. I was wrong. The Sniper Rifle is hitscan. I will edit that. Sorry.

    Also since I am here I will try my best to at least get the Pro Match-Ups updated this week.
  15. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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  16. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nice guide (and GGs a couple of nights ago when I fought against and with you for a few matches)

    I've never tried crit with the tank, that's something I'll try next time I play.

    Gold health used to be my main build for a while, but I found the hit and run playstyle it suits can be played almost as well using just deploy 2. It's only a couple of seconds additional down time before you're back to full health and frees up an endorsement for something more offensive.

    One tactic that I now use all the time for controlling juiced players is the charge followed by the rail gun grapple. Hudson posted a video showing it in use. It's a real turret saver, although can result in your death because the enemy often has just enough juice left over to kill you. Worth mentioning if you expand your guide though.
  17. RueTasogare

    RueTasogare New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nice guide. Just wondering if a Gold RoF helps with the Jet Gun. Though after seeing your guide I think I'd rather head for the Gold Crit.
  18. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Gold RoF does help the Jet Gun but not enough to use it solely for the Jet Gun. Like I said the Jet Gun alone is a beast so if anything using Gold RoF greatly increases the effectiveness of the Railgun. It works for quite a few players I am just not that great at aiming with the Railgun so it really is my secondary weapon.

    Thanks for giving my guide a read. Much appreciated. *Fist pounds*

    And yes MootPinks great games the other day. I was partied up with the other two players on my team during that Steel Peel match and I asked them nicely to wait a bit so that those idle players would get kicked and you would get a full team. It ended up being an intense match towards the end., didn't we end up losing too?

    Also I do plan on adding a section on dealing with juiced players to this guide and what you said is the exact best way to deal with them as the Tank.
  19. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

    Likes Received:
    That's very decent of you, cheers for that. Yeah I think you guys did end up losing :) You should have stomped me when you had the chance ;) I was lucky that some good players joined my team. It was indeed intense towards the end. Anyway, I've derailed your tank guide thread enough. I'm going to test out a couple of builds based on your guide tonight, as it's quite different from my tank playstyle.
  20. RueTasogare

    RueTasogare New Member

    Likes Received:
    Tried using a Shield/Skill/Reload line up for tank. Kinda like what it does for deploying tanks with upgraded passive and deploy 2. My tank took a lot of punishment, dieing horribly at times, but allowing me to get a 4-multi kill (Around the Horn) in Ammo mule using only the jet gun and charging.

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