He mentioned he was new and some of the people in the match gave some quick tips. Simple stuff like "don't play assassin till you are more experienced". He says this was his first match and he thought MNC was hectic and fun. I was not quite dumbstruck but I had not seen a newbie like this in a while. I gave him a little bit of sagely advice to visit the forums and I added him mid match through Steam. After the match I gave him a few tips about endorsements and told him to contact me if he so needs and strongly advised giving an intro on the forums. He agreed and went on his merry way. I was so happy I cried tears of joy. But it made me think why is there not a link to the forums or a more up to date wiki. A nice link to the frums could have made the difference for frustrated people.
Yeah, I was in that game, you were that Acid guy, right? I was going to send him to the forums but you ninja'd me. :lol:
Yeah Acid_Ace. I'm changing my name to what I use widely across the internet nowadays once I finish this signature for all my accounts.
That should be a new line for Mickey actually, since he's always advertising those sponsors and endorsements. He should be advertising these forums as well. :lol:
"Hey if you like this kind of action head over to uberent dot com for some tips and post-game commentary!"
I caught a noob and I liked it. The taste of their blood on my lips. It feels so wrong. It feels so right.
I snagged a new one today. I taught him how to play assassin and how to use assassin juice properly. I always stress to come here last. I hope they stay and play.
90% of the time newbies are either too timid or too stubborn to respond to advice or questions. The timid ones give it a try if you directly tell them what to do but don't respond with text, the stubborn ones act like they're too good for advice when you try to give it to them and act like you've done them a great injustice. Then there are the people who play on 800x600 that tweak out whenever anyone says anything because OHMIGOD TEXT TAKIN UP MY ENTIRE SCREEN GUYS What happened to being able to provide friendly, random advice? It's like everything is a flat-out critique or an insult.
I prefer to just let newbies have the freedom to try out things by themselves, unless they explicitly ask in chat on how things work. These are pubs, not boot camps. As for other players though... I got to say the only person I've had to opportunity to constantly see trying to give advice is Neo (Acid_Ace), and that's great stuff there. But mostly, I just see these so called self-proclaimed 'skilled' players constantly roasting/trolling any newbie who's having a hard time getting into the game.