Oh man 59 hours to go and 150k left! I don't know how much more of this I can take. I've been spreading the word, trying to get my friends on board but this is going to be crazy close. I hope that Galactic War might be considered for DLC if it isn't successful as a stretch goal... my imagination has already run off with the idea and now I can't find it! Fingers crossed that you guys hit the target!
well it is less than 120k and i think we will make it, 30k in the last 6h, thats quite much. I would like to see if we get the 2m, would be nice.
Considering theres bound to be at least 60k in the paypal account, it's only gotta make ~50k. Less than 1k per hour, GW is in the bag. To reach the documentary I estimate we'll need an average of ~6k an hour. 3% paypal estimate (($2,100,000 *.97) -$1,687,000) /59h = $5932/h
Come on, the GW goal is an absolute certainty at this point. We are in the home stretch when the rate is only going to continue to increase, not slow down. The only question is how close we get to the last goal.
I hope you are right . I'm feeling more confident reading this. I've been watching the ticker like a hawk all week! GW is what spurred me to contribute.