Flawlessly, that is. I think my highest kill count is in the low 20's, but last night I was playing with Sin, and maybe a friend of his, and I managed to pull off a 19-something-0. Now this is insanely good for me, it probably won't happen in the near future, but I just can't seem to string together a 25 kill streak or higher. Not to mention that if I play by myself I get molested (yes, I get carried). What are some tips for getting those insane flawless games? I know in COD I'll just hop into a game by myself if I want to kill whore, but it seems that's not the case for me in MNC. Help!?
Next time you're at 19 kills and no deaths, start whoring juice. Hang back, kill bots, juice on three people, escape before it ends, go buy juice, wait for the respawn and hello uber streak.
I think I may have gotten the streak if the game hadn't ended right as I got my 19th. And I have a gunner class, but its not as fun as some of the others :/
I'll give you some tips. Go into games with no more than three players. Make sure one of your friends is a support, and the other is not a slayer class. Don't kill their turrets. Let them kill your jackbots. Don't get the annihilator. Don't pick fights you think you might have problems with. If you get to a high kill streak but your nervous you might not get it, buy juice, go for the easy kills you see and retreat after your juice bar hits 1/3 full. Try to keep a high ground. Stay away from firebases and bots.
lol my first uber streak was my first game as a tank and even now I have only 2 uber streaks >_> Edit: 3 uber streaks, yesterday I got a 39 kills 16 assists 1 death match with a 27 kill streak on ammo mule as a sniper, about 7500 money maybe my best match ever lol 2nd edit: got another uber streak as a sniper today, so 4 uber streaks now lol
for the love of god, dont do this. party up and it should come with time.if you enjoy all classes, try to find one you like a lot, and stick with him as much as you can. and please remember, as cool as that uberstreak looks, there is still an OBJECTIVE, this is not deathmatch.
why did you paste it? dont sticky notes already have an adhesive on the back? fun fact: the inventor at 3m that came up with stick notes got no credit for the idea.
The word "pasted" is interchangeable with the word "applied", at least that's how I meant it. And DAMN those assholes at 3M
Typically when I streak it is because I am playing defensively while my team mates are on offense. Many hate it when they are pushing forward and I don't push with them, but when they push forward and some deranged player decides to try to kill our bots at the spawn, who is there to stop them? Well, that is normally me with dual miniguns while deployed. It is surprising how many people try to slip through defences to destroy turrets, bots, etc. If nobody is escaping, I immediately go to plan B. Typically my plan is to reach my "special posts". On each level, there are "special posts" that are easily defended and you can get a ton of kills by playing defensively on the enemy's side of the map. One good tip is to look for a spot where you can hit the enemy moneyball, and where the enemy is going to have a hard time successfully hitting you. One of my spots is on Spunky Cola. There is a little passageway that runs under the raised passage right into the enemy's base. Once they are pushed back, you can get a ton of kills by sitting it that little passage and straife-shooting any opponents who are defending their moneyball. Watch out for turrents though.