I can not display the whole menu in my screen

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Enekismo, May 31, 2014.

  1. Enekismo

    Enekismo New Member

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    Since I installed PA last week, it is impossible for me to see the whole menu in the screen. My screen is not a wide screen so I can't see the start game button in the right side of the menu.

    Even If I start the game in window mode, I cannot expand the window to widen it. That means that I cannot play in single mode because I can't reach the start game button.

    Once I'm playing (multiplayer) I don't have problems with that.

    Please, could you tell me what can I do about that?

    Thank you guys

    (I would like to post a screencap but since I'm new I can't)
  2. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    That mod helps. It lets you zoom out your client to see all the hanging off edges (with black space), and zoom in whenever you are functionally ingame.

    It also helps to get PAMM, a mod manager for PA. It is in the same subforum. It easily downloads and installs mods for you with a easy user interface.
    SXX likes this.
  3. Enekismo

    Enekismo New Member

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    wow thankss
    thetrophysystem likes this.

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