We were playing on steel peel, and there were two level 3.3 LONGSHOTS next to the money ball, AND THE OTHER TEAM WOULDN'T KILL THEM.
That sucks, but thanks to the changes preventing pros from dropping a moneyball, you can sorta get away with stuff like that, because bots will stop to destroy any turret in their way (don't know about shaveice though), which keeps the moneyball safe to some degree, and gives you more time to destroy bots.
Lazerblazers are cheaper, atk, and function next to the moneyball. Ppl who build longshot there are trying to sabotage your team. I think doing this should be disabled and you get auto kicked for being an idiot.
They're good at taking out waves of Bots and chipping away at JackBots. They're rather useless under the spawn rings/on Steel Peel though. Maybe if the projectile speed and damage was increased?
If you try to build a Longshot Turret somewhere that Longshot Turrets have no right to be, I would appreciate a quick and vocal message from pitgirl telling you that you have a serious intelligence quota deficit and your never ever going to get laid. Then nothing gets built and you lose your 75 credits anyway.
I'd like Pitgirl, Mickey, and the crowd to start a very audible "YOU SUCK!" chant to whomever does that.
Haha I remember being split from my friends and put on the team we have been having problems with their trash talking, them sucking, but still bragging etc. So all I did all match was taunt in the base and build up EVERY TURRENT to a Lvl 3.3 Shave Ice. I know its a mean thing to do, but you don't know how much bull we were taking and I needed the "Build 500 Shave Ice turrent" Pro tag.