"The state of Minnesota is under banker occupation which has led the state into financial debt and forced state officials to increase the budget deficit, an economic analyst says." More info here : http://edition.presstv.ir/mobile/detail.aspx?id=187498 The worst part I read : "As a result of the budget dispute, some 23,000 of roughly 36,000 state employees have been laid off without a pay for the near future."
I don't know if you're messing around or being serious but this one is true. Withdrawing your savings will help a little.
Nope, this is the reason why dollar default is coming. US printed a LOT of $ and forcing countries like Japan and China to buy it. Printing $ is just gonna make the hyperinflation worse. Don't believe everything you see in TV.
Well, you guys best start buying stuffs rather than holding savings. Lucky I don't pay attention to economics, so as far as immaware,s are still going good.
OH NO! i went to go fill up the tank on my Geo Metro and it took $180! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO! EVERYTHING IS SO EXPENSIVE IN MINNESOTA! aaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!