For a limited time only I am running a hugs build on my Support! If you're on the other team and see me with the club tag [HUGS] come get some free love. Don't worry, I don't bite, the Airstrike does!
bastards haha, spooky got me with the air strike hug in LazeRazor last night when I was playing assault. Between that, multiple firebases, 3 gunners running around you guys made it nearly impossible to leave the base! We did end up winning that match thanks to an overtime juice rush, though, and the one gunner that pissed me off the most (can't remember his GT, but he did the club tag glitch and it was "uck" I think) stuck around for several matches after that and I made him feel completely useless. I had a rough start in that LazeRazor match since I joined with like 9 minutes left and everyone else had a good head start. When I realized what spooky was doing when he shotgun grappled me I just started laughing because it's not something I thought I'd ever actually fall for, but it was beautiful :lol:
yea i was starting to get mad that night, every match i joined my team was full of gunners and barely let me do my thing...oh and that uck guy, xD i got him the most and thanks for the compliment, that hug is art i tell ya, took many private matches of practice, i freakin suicide against many juicers now...still hard as hell though
Lol! Spooky got me for 3 airstrike hugs on ammo mule. I got him back tho. How many turrents did you have in your base? How many turrents did I have in ur base? Really tho, great grappling by spooky. The turd got me right as I fired my first juice! Perfect!
how many turrets did i have in my base? a whoppin 2!! how many got hi jacked by immortal...2 -.- many times did I yell obscenities when he hacked the 1st one...alot, then after the second, my middle finger was twitching
i think i played you the other day and wondered why the hell you would air becon me then grapple me. Didnt make much sense but now i see what it was all about Honestly its better to hug then becon or crab with a friend
SirWilliamThell was coming into our base as a tank with juice last night and right when he used the juice spooky was there to airstrike hug him. It was great :lol: on my screen William looked like he froze for 5 seconds and then went through his dying animation. This was after the sound of the air strike hitting. Weird lag.
Yea it would be. but the people i party up with are horrible at coordinating this stunt. the only person i could pull this off with was my brother, waaaay before the dlc. airstrike kills are hard to get and since i really don't give a damn bout my k/d, i figure, what the hell. it adds to hilarity....specially if you get the same guy over 10 times peace & love from Lonely Suicidal Italian Bomber