How'd you get your Uber Streak?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by noxiousg, February 5, 2011.

  1. noxiousg

    noxiousg New Member

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    I chased this elusive protag throughout beta with no success. I hit 20+ a few times but never made it all the way to 25. Since release, I've had streaks of 21, 22, 22, and 24 (as gunner, tank, gunner and assassin respectively), of which the last one was rather disheartening since I finished the match with 24 kills, no deaths, and I had juice. The 25th probably would've been easy, but it wasn't meant to be.

    I finally picked it up yesterday though, on Ammo Mule as an assassin, finishing the match with exactly 25 kills. The enemy team had no tanks and no assassins (tanks are hard to farm, assassins are good at spoiling streaks since they just need an untimely lunge+grapple to doom you), so I was able to farm their gunners and occasionally pick off an assault, support or sniper. The streak was not without its lucky moments, however; twice I survived an assault's bomb where just one more tick of the fire would have killed me, and a friendly gunner saved me from what would have otherwise been a deadly grapple.

    Oddly enough, after all the trouble of getting just one 25+ kill streak, I managed another today, as an Assault on LaseRazor, turning in an even more impressive 33-16-0 record. A pair of terrible assassins largely gifted this streak to me, as they repeatedly tried to facestab with no luck. A curious note on this streak; I normally play at the highest 16:9 resolution available (The game doesn't have my native resolution of 2560x1440, but it does have an odd resolution in between my native resolution and 1920x1080), but for some reason the game set my resolution to 1024x768. Everything was stretched and looked terrible, but the results were nonetheless quite agreeable.

    So anyway, I am just curious how other people have managed to pick up this protag. Was it a lucky streak? Were you picking on noobs? Are you just that badass? Also, what class did you use and which map were you playing?
  2. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    I haven't.
  3. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Ammo Mule + sniper + bad assassins.

    25th kill was a furiously spammed grapple on an assassin that had dropped my health so low with a swing + grapple you couldn't see any health in the bar. If that grapple hadn't have landed I'd probably have pooped a brick.
  4. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    Apparently Ammo Mule is the map to get it heh. Got teamed up with dude playing as an Assault who made it a lot easier for me, so to be fair a lot of the credit goes to him as well. Got killed once after my kill #27 if i remember correctly.
  5. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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  6. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    Stop advertising the Grim Streak, nobody's supposed to know about it :ssh:

    I've gotten mine with Gunner, Support, and Assault. Gunner is easy mode if the enemy team is bad, Support racks up kills slowly but surely (if I'm being more defensive), and Assault also builds up slowly but gets the amount eventually. If the team is really bad, I'll typically get them faster.
  7. nyarlathotep

    nyarlathotep New Member

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    Last edited: February 5, 2011
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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  9. DeathByVoid

    DeathByVoid New Member

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    Haha, yesterday I was admiring your tag nox.
  10. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    had to try REALLY hard not to win the game
  11. wubnasty

    wubnasty New Member

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    I get them a couple times a night, but my playstyle really supports it. I'm really cautious at the start of the match to make sure I don't die. Once you get your kill streak rolling you just get buckets of cash and can chain juice all game. It's a great way to get Undefeated too. Don't engage unless you can kill everyone present and get out alive plus make good decisions and it will happen a lot for you.
  12. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    Not to brag but... oh whatever, I am bragging:

  13. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Uber streak is a bit of a poorly designed protag in my opinion.

    If you can gather one up, you likely should have won before it ever got there because the teams are pretty ridiculously uneven.

    The achievement itself encourages all the bad things people post about in the other threads, focusing exclusively on K/D (which is important) but at some point you have to take a risk to get some damage or go after a turret, and over time this precludes you from gaining absurd streaks assuming moderate competence on the other team.

    Decent show off tag I suppose but the incentive is against winning the actual game. I suppose you could do both (and probably will because you don't get it without some crazy mid control) but the victory is intentionally delayed to acquire it.

    The best I've done is about 20ish, with a whole lot of the 11 streaks (Mega?). I normally don't have them much longer because the game is over by 20 or I'll have risked too much to kill a turret or damage the money ball by then.

    Just seems like it encourages the wrong incentive of never taking risks. Risk is important because you won't win a game early on without taking a few which means you die occasionally.

    Just the opinion of someone with 1200 kills as Assault over 90ish matches, nothing fantastic or anything.
  14. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    played a gunner against a bunch of new players and had juice.....eventually it happens
  15. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    Most of my uber streaks are from assassin lane controlling and killing pro's that get in my way. Once the money ball is down, I just kill pros as soon as they come out of their spawn to keep them supressed. bing bang boom, I get a 5 multikill streak and bam I get Uber streak in no time if they are too busy trying to fight bots back. I've had entire teams literally screaming, "Get that assassin out of our base!!!" over chat.
  16. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i would say the easiest way to get it at the moment is to play a tank and just wait for the assassins to come at you and then just murder them with either charge or the jetgun, they won't learn
  17. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    Haha, just got to find a server with 3 crappy assassins that have no idea what they are doing. At least those aren't in short demand.
  18. Qtie

    Qtie New Member

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    hit n run assasin, works every time.
  19. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    Hit and run?? I guess I hit people in the back with my sword and than run to another pro doing the same thing? I rarely grapple anymore as it leaves me open and I get a lot more mobility out of a couple of back slashes. Nothing funnier than watching every pro but the tank panic as your hugging them tightly slashing furiously at them.
  20. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Ha, i beat you.

    Seriously though, you need an enemy team that is horribly bad. Having a clan mate or 2 on your side helps too. Then you just have to kill enemies and be as good as you can, I guess. Oh, and don't win the game too fast.

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