I was thinking, with the Kickstarter for PA being a massive success, whether Uber would consider using it again in order to create add-ons for the game post release? DLC for an RTS is really not a good idea in order to prevent fragmentation between players, and I think allowing some players in a single game access to units others don't have would also cause a lot of anger. I however would have no problem contributing to a free DLC kickstarter, whereby the backers became actively involved in the balance and design of the units, and were able to beta test and/or get early access to the units for offline / LAN. Of course another way to make DLC for RTS would be to allow units for all as long as at least one player owns the DLC, similar to Magicka. I'm not sure if any other games have done this. Obviously this is all a long way off and pie-in-the-sky, but I'd just like to gauge reaction to this idea from both devs and backers.
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u Technically there isn't anything wrong with taking stuff like this to KS, but the effort needed for it all I don't think really pays off unless we're talking about something more to the scale of a proper Expansion. There is also the question of how feasible smaller DLC packs(units or any other content) are to incorporate into the basic plan for post release support Uber has been hinting at. Mike
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u There are still additional units being developed but I don't see why they would be included in the alpha....Isn't Alpha to get the system working and find any mistakes. Additional units are just for balance so they'll probably come in during beta
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u I can see Uber creating more units in the future. I can see fans creating their own units in the future. I can't see Uber releasing units via a Kickstarter campaign.
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u I think thought it would be possible to do it via kickstarter, it should be done by selling the actual game. Why would they need another kickstarter?
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u I'm not sure how necessary this will be really. Although I am not at all against the idea in principle, from what I have read on the forums we only have a small percentage of the final unit pool to play with at the moment (although exactly how much I'm not sure- I've read posts where people think we are playing with barley a third of the final planned units 30/100). Anyway, while I love the thought of even MORE units in future, I hope UBER do a good job of fleshing out the unit pool in the first place.
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u You might have a better chance if you add single player campaign (with multipler support maybe) and a new faction. Since it a deal breaker for some people
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u The purpose would be post-release, but I see your point about more units coming. I was mainly dreaming of the old Cavedog days when we had a new unit every week for free. With today's fidelity, and PA's complexity I imagine this is much less financially viable, especially whilst maintaining balance. I thought a kickstarter would be a great way for an RTS dev to pitch a unit pack. They could post a ton of concept drawings and then put it down to the backers to vote on those which get made, and help decide the ultimate roles / abilities of each unit.
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u The only thing that might not work is the once a week thing, the overall idea is just as feasible as it was back then, even more-so really due to the state of internet connections and such nowadays. Design by Committee is a bad idea. It just turns into a useless popularity contest that could really damage the overall integrity of the gameplay. Mike
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u Another kickstarter to add more content? The Steam users will just love that.
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u Sorry I'm being stupid, what do you mean?
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u My thoughts exactly. Regardless of whether the idea on its own is good or not, I very much doubt the steam community would take kindly to this. Unless of course they get it for cheaper than the kickstarters
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u The point is everybody would get it for free, but the backers would get early access and input. I don't see why steam users would be affected.
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u Considering the accusations of 'greed' that Uber has already faced over its pricing of the game so far, this would just be opening another can of worms :? More units = good thing but it will be argued that it should be included in the original budget. The other thing to consider of course is that once the game hits retail, it may sell a fair few copies on 'awesome'-factor, and these new units may become self-funding.
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u What's with all these details you're hiding? If this is the case I don't see the point, by the time DLC/Content is a prominent thing the game should be able to sustain itself from sales(or that the added content will drive further sales) and could face an uphill battle convincing people to pay for everyone's enjoyment. As I said earlier, I could see a KS for something more along the lines of a proper Expansion or large DLC pack, but doing smaller stuff, and doing it by committee just isn't a great idea. Mike
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u I'm pretty sure I mentioned that the DLC would be free in the OP. The point of this idea is to incentivise the devs to released free DLC so as to avoid fragmentation. But whatever, it's clear there's no support for this idea so I accept defeat.
Re: How would people feel about a Kickstarter campaign for u Sorry about that, I missed it. But really the rest still stands. I get what you mean by avoiding fragmentation, but given that Uber has already commented on providing free content I think it's safe to assume they have a plan to provide it in a self sufficient manner. Also I still don't see the problem with more Expansions like content, even if it's a separate purchase, so long as the quality and proper pricing is there I think we can expect a 'high turnout', think about the FA expansion, considering people that consistently played SupCom, a large portion is thought to have transfered over. Mike