How would gas giants work?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by connerj15, May 20, 2013.


There should be the ability to spawn on moons

  1. Yes

    19 vote(s)
  2. No

    7 vote(s)
  1. connerj15

    connerj15 New Member

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    If players were to spawn on a gas giant would they fall instantly unless they had some sort of hot air ballon system attached to there commander because a gas giants surface is thousands of miles down and the pressure would crush you instantly. So it would be cool if you could spawn on the moons of gas giants and have different commanders on each moon so the commander that works the fastest and builds rocket platforms the quickest will have the advantage.
  2. framerterminater

    framerterminater New Member

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    Im pretty sure based on past discussions and streams by Uber that gas giants were going to serve as merely as objects for orbital units/structures. Also I think your poll question is quite out of place...
  3. FlandersNed

    FlandersNed Member

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    I don't think people will be spawning on gas giants by default.

    Though the mention of spawning on the moons of gas giants is an interesting one, we don't really know much about where we will be able to spawn on apart from the fact that we wouldn't be able to spawn in spots that give people distinct advantages.
  4. cyclopsis

    cyclopsis Member

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    Gas Giants usually have dozens of moons. Theoretically, it is possible to make one game simply on a Gas Giants moons. Like Islands but in space.
  5. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    How many Gas Giants are you familiar with cyclopsis?

    I mean, yes Jupiter has a whopping sixty-seven confirmed satellites... but only four of them are what we'd recognise as a "moon". The relative masses for the main four; Io (22.721%), Europa (12.21%), Ganymede (37.696%) and Callisto (27.37%) make up 99.997% of the total mass of all Jupiter's Moons combined.

    A mere 0.003% total relative mass is made up by the other sixty-three "moons". They're little more than asteroids when you get right down to it... they're not even spherical.

    Looking at Saturn, yes it has sixty-two confirmed moons... but do you really know the names of more than 4 or 5 tops? Honestly, I can only do three off the top of my head; Tethys, Titan and Rhea; Titan and Rhea being the biggest and Tethys purely because it's got a catchy name.

    Of the total sixty-two moons of Saturn Only the top seven (Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan and Iapetus) are considered when it comes to relative total mass of all the moons around Saturn. The other fifty-five are so insignificant that, even when added together, they can't even account for a single thousandth of a percent of the total mass of all the moons of Saturn.

    Did you know that Titan alone accounts for 96% of the total mass of all the moons orbiting Saturn?


    My point it, Yes Gas Giants, or "Jovian" planets do have dozens of moons... but most of them aren't what you think of when you say the word "moon".
  6. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    This is the kind of thing you do with a map generator, not really a gameplay decision. It is sorta implied that because players can select their spawn point on a single planet, in a larger game, they can select what planet/heavenly body they spawn on.

    Nanolathe is right about most "moons" more resembling large boulders than small moons, the idea of space island-hopping is still an intriguing one that could make for some interesting low-gravity gameplay. An entirely destructible battlefield, with enough hiding places to conceal a Krogoth.
  7. cyclopsis

    cyclopsis Member

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    Indeed. The players can start on the larger moons and establish Asteroid bases as they go.
  8. teradyn

    teradyn Member

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    This post made me wonder, are asteroid orbits going to be individually assignable? Or are we assigning a "belt" of them somewhere?

    I really hope we could make an "earth" solar system given the generation tools. One of the aspects that would be cool to implement is the smaller "moonlets" orbiting planets. If we could create asteroids of different sizes and assign them orbits, someone could model all(some?) of the many bodies orbiting these giants.

    And a followup question. Has there been any mention in the discussions around gas giants of rings?

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