How to sniper vs 2 assassins?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by G1deon, January 27, 2011.

  1. G1deon

    G1deon New Member

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    I just played couple games and this is impossible. I know assassin is elite class only for elite players (schoolkids i mean, they always want to some moar frags and frags and a little bit moar frags. and the frags ofc), and sniper is so easy, u just need to aim head for headshots. Not like very hard 1button assassin kill.
    But thats not the point. Just rage about "balance".
    Point is: if 1-2 assassins always tryin to kill only you, its OVER annoying, assassin have much more chances to do that than you. And entire game turn to death-spawn-death-spawn-oh wow frag-death-spawn. Im not a newbie, im one of top competitive snipers in tf2, but in this game i have no ideas how to counter, how to play against ppl who haunting you.
    I tried to do the same as assassin and its very easy, grapple reload almost the same as respawn time, so just rollface on keyboard, frag, wait, rollface on keyboard, frag etc.
    I know, this post is full of rage and bad english, but i love this game, i love how sniping works in MNC and i wont to be a part of competitive MNC. But i dont like how some aspects of the game looks and works now, so i just want to find the solution.
  2. verm

    verm New Member

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    there is no doubt you will have less frags then normal, but it also ruins their game as well. They won't do nearly as much damage to your base if they are focusing on you. It's my favorite part of being a sniper with assassins focusing on me, they are wasting their potential to win the game. Your best bet is to set freeze traps on each side of you and kill them when they get trapped. If they are smart enough to find away around you should have armor in your endorsements and try to keep them in front of you so they don't grapple kill you. After they grapple you just try to grapple back or jump into a crowd of bots. There are a million ways to defend against this kind of situation and it all depends on the map and situation. Good luck.
  3. Telos

    Telos New Member

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    If you see an assassin killing your bots, shoot your bots. The lvl 3 primary upgrade will make the explosion hit the assassin. When she clears the bots then you can try shooting her.

    Always keep an ice trap near the landing zone of a jump pad to where you are sniping from. A good assassin will almost never use smoke bomb to jump up to you and if they do you should be able to see/hear them.

    If you see an assassin lunge at you (or maybe not) just be ready with your grapple button because yours will take priority and you'll kick them out of the map :D.

    The best way to kill a sniper is with a full clip of the shuriken launcher, take note to avoid that.
  4. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    I think the trick is a constant situational awareness. Be paranoid like hell, listen for their humming sound of death and if you just see a tiny sign of an assassin:

    Shoot after it. You'll most likely miss, use the SMG the scan the area surrounding you every 3rd second. Scope, switch-scan, scope, switch-scan, scope, ETC, change location, turn around, spray, move on, throw a freezetrap, spray your new camp location, ETC. If you can tag it once then you the assassin will most likely either run away or fight you. Once you engage an assassin, jump. Jump a lot. Jump all the time. And throw a freezetrap and dance around it, till the assassin run into it. Assassins go down really quickly, if you can avoid grappling them then do so, its better to shoot from a 2-3 meters distance than going up in their face and risk getting grappled.

    Freezetraps are okay, but after a while sins will learn to avoid them so keep one in your inventory, its hard to avoid freezetraps when you constantly jump over and around it.

    As for this, don't do this... If your or the enemy's latency is a tiny bit too bad, then you will experience that you see the assassin lunge then at the instant they touch you, you are grappled and you will be dead. Better to stay safe, kite-jump and spray to avoid their grapple. If you can avoid their grapple they are dead meat anyway. Also dont rely on freezetraps to keep assassins away while you are scope/sniping if you have a freezetrap nearby, assassins can lunge over freezetraps and they will hit you and grapple you and you will be dead.

    Be constantly aware of your surroundings, double-no... Tripple-NO... QUADRUPPLE-CHECK your surroundings every 2nd second! Paranoia is your friend, and you need it for it will save your *** more than once. Just learn to be a quick-sniper and you should be fine.
  5. Telos

    Telos New Member

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    Actually if the other players ping is bad, you'll always be able to grapple them before they can. It's if you play on a high ping server is when you'll get grappled instead. Sniper grapple takes priority over assassin and kicks them out of the map so it's not a bad idea and assassins can't lunge over level 3 traps.
  6. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    If that last sentence is true then YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It got fixed by the last patch!
    If the game has not been patched then no it has not been fixed as apparently any assassin can still lunge over level 3 freezetraps and I can too for that matter as I wont say I am un able to when I play assassin.

    And if you really want to risk dying by standing still waiting for a lunge then okay thats your prefered playstyle, I prefer playing safe, being paranoid and not getting harmed atall. Also the assassin lunge seems to have a tiny stun thing to it as they do this little YEOWGHS! Animation when they get hit by it giving the assassin more time to grapple you.

    Lunge+Grapple combos are famous among assassins you know because they rarely fail. Better avoid it.
  7. nickeboy

    nickeboy New Member

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    You can kill any class from a far greater distance than they can kill you. One class has the advantage over you. It's called balance.
  8. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Assassins don't have an advantage over the Sniper. Some Snipers just lack the situational awareness.
  9. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Thats the key.
  10. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Take an armor endorsement so that a grapple from the front won't kill you
  11. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    lunge-grapple, a staple for normal assassins, will still kill you.
  12. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    well..i play sniper 90% of the time and i gotta say, i love vsing assassins.
    What i do is find my sniping spot, lay a trap behind me (not right behind me, a fair bit away leaving no other way to get to you) and one in front of me (or to the sides whatever way you face). Hear that humming noise? switch to your smg and dance like crazy until you cant hear it anymore or until you kill it.
    Its really, really simple killing them. I had a match the other day vsing 2 assassins, and once i heard them and spotted them, they constantly ran from me fearing for their lives. Was very funny tbh.

    Anyway, its been said before, situational awareness and you'll do fine. After you kill them a couple of times, they'll leave you alone, and if they dont they are usually very bad and its more of a free kill.
  13. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Most of the time its the free kill option... The stubborn ones come back.
  14. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    Yeah haha, its funny when they run over the same trap over and over and over again...
  15. nickeboy

    nickeboy New Member

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    No amount of situational awareness takes away the fact that a sniper has to occasionally stop and scope in, even for a second. Sniper is a class that has 0 mobility, sub-par damage in close quarters and dies from a single backstab or a single lunge-frontstab. The only way for a sniper to "counter" an assassin is jump at all times. Good luck learning to consistently headshot while hopping around the place.

    Alternatively, an insane cqc sniper might be a bitch to kill as an assassin. But snipers consistently able to headshot an assassin lunging at them are pretty much nonexsistent.

    Even if you could always watch your back, and counter every assassin trying to lunge you, there are still those that consistently smokebomb and land directly behind a sniper for a backstab without a chance for the sniper to react. There's not much a sniper can do about this, it's not a matter of skill but game mechanics.

    I'm not saying assassins counter snipers. But they do have the advantage. Even if you can't kill them, you can force even the best ones to play defensive and dramatically reduce their fragging godness.

    That being said, I would probably not be able to shut you down. I've seen you play, and I don't think the advantage that assassin has over sniper is enough for me to beat you :|

    Boy, we do seem to disagree a lot.
  16. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    You know that you can hear a smokebomb aight?

    The Damage potential of the SMG is much more efficient than you make it out to be, SMG plus Flak and backpedalling plus jumping is dead class no matter what. If you get charged you screwed up, if you get lunged you didn't really react fast enough. There are very, very few assassins who get me more than one or two times.

    Headshots while jumping aren't a problem, crosshair is crosshair, pointing it at a head is the same. Sure they're not 100% consistent because I for my part don't have much aim but they work.

    In this game you don't need to kill any Pro in order to win, it makes it easier but hey if you can't kill them just deter them.

    The only assassin that is a problem to a Sniper is one that knows how to work yomi-layers in a way that you can't.
  17. nickeboy

    nickeboy New Member

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    Yeah. But that doesn't mean that you always do, or that you know what direction the assassin is coming from, or wheter he's even targeting you.

    SMG vs. Shuriken launcher. I'm not sure, but I think the shuriken launcher does more damage. Sure, it's hard to aim, but I'm talking about equally skilled players here. If the sniper in question is good enough to get this far, I think it's safe to assume that the assassin can aim a bit. Flak can be a bitch though if the sniper knows what he's doing. But then again, so can a lunge-grapple timed right as the sniper lands from a jump.

    Except that the movement pattern becomes way harder. Sure, it's doable, just harder. Top tier competitive snipers can pull it off, but again, I'm talking generally, not just about the top tier players. Every advantage the opponent has can be overcomed by a skilled player, so if you're gonna go that way, this is just pointless.

    That's obvious. I can't really see your point here. If you're constantly dealing with an assassin without managing to kill him, he's deterring just as much as you are deterring him. Of course, a good assassin would rather rape bots than harrass a single sniper, but that's not what we're talking about.

    The only sniper that is a problem to an assassin is one that knows how to work yomi-layers way better than the assassin in question. Also, personally attacking random people on online forums is not productive. I'm here to argue, not to flame. I figured you're someone reasonable and smart with probably a bit more knowledge than me; basically an ideal person to try and argue against. I guess I was wrong.

    I'm sorry if I offended you by talking smack about your precious class. I guess it's best to leave this arguement unsolved as it's clearly getting too personal. :ugeek:
  18. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    I haven't laughed harder in a long time mate, Sniper isn't my favourite class; Assault is.

    The Shuriken launcher has more damage potential than the SMG but the Shuriken launcher isn't hitscan.

    And theoretical advantages don't exist when talking about equally skilled opponents, both will use their class to the fullest potential, it just comes down to who wins the yomi-fight so yeah that is the whole argument in a nutshell because, as far as I with my current experience am concerned, there is no imbalancedness in this game - which is a good thing.

    Maybe you have perception issues or misinterpret my tone but hell boy, read it again.
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Ever try 2 Snipers vs 2 Assassins?
  20. nickeboy

    nickeboy New Member

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    I thought you main sniper instead of assault, and that's something that made you laugh harder than in a long time? You need to get out more.

    We do agree on one thing though: this whole arguement is pointless. We could go on forever.

    You do realise that a class being able to counter another class is not an imblanacedness, it's a part of the metagame. Wheter or not counters excist in MNC or not is another issue we could debate about for ages, but let's not go into that.

    You seem to take online gaming forums way too seriously. I honestly don't have a problem with you, but really.. "Perception issues"? "Boy"? This is what you're telling a total stranger, judging him by a few comments. It just makes you look less like the cool guy I'm sure you are, deep down there somewhere, buried in that german little body of yours.

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