Hello! Im new in Planetary Annihilation and i got one thing that is really annoying me : When im only on the planet, my makro is OK and everything is fine. But once i start building stuff in the orbid i nearly completely lose the overview over my units and structures, because icons are covering each other. How do you guys properly keep your overview? Also is there a feature planned, where you can toogle between like a planet view (orbid units invisible) and a orbital view (land units invisible) with a keybind or is it even already implemented? Greetings
hmmm good one. UI elements might be the key feature missing here however : have you tried using the PIP? (the little extra view that's like a rear view mirror that you can set to any point in the system) have you configured icon view distance and orbital to land icon visibility in settings? you can set only orbital icons to be visible at a certain focal length. How does that sound?