Since the maps are randomly generated every game has the chance of being unbalanced because of starting positions and metal spots so I think it would be nice that when the game goes release that they implement their own weekly release of set maps for the week that are balanced for ranked play (fairly symmetrical in terms of metal distribution), I'm sure Uber would enjoy showing off there awesome system designing skills and they could cherry pick the best maps from the community for this also. A 1v1 and a 2v2 ladder of course but you could also have all sorts of other ladders like Uber army games of 10v10 or royal rumbles of massive 20 player free for alls or even a Giant Meta game of pvp Glactic War clan vs clan. I only really gripe about this because on a small planet the possibility that the metal is pooled more toward one area seems to happen all to often, it's fun when you get to start on a hot spot and gain the early lead but then that happens back it's soo much buthurt and I'd hate that to happen if I was trying to rank up a ladder.
I think the random map generator is amazing. But I think us, as the players need that next step where we can balance out the randomly generated maps. I think a weekly/biweekly vote for ladder map pool would be amazing! Community choice for their favorite maps. And just to mix it up, no map can stay on rotation more than X-number of weeks, just so we don't end up with Isis/Setons stagnant maps.