How to distrubute DLC:

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Turnip, August 14, 2010.

  1. Turnip

    Turnip New Member

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    Ok, so lets imagine here for a moment, that like most xbla games, they come out with paid DLC.
    (If its maps or new game-modes, thats fine. It'll work like the stimulant packs on MW2.)

    BUT: If it works like TF2, where new weapons or a new class is unlocked, there will be a big issue.

    1#:If they make it seperate servers and maps, its kind of... eh. Theres no need to keep them seperate from free players.

    2#: If they just let the buyers use the weapons/classes, there will be some "fairness" issues. "Waaah! I don't have money/can't buy microsoft points so this is unfair that they get bonuses!"

    3#: The proper way (IMO): If ________ number of people buy the DLC, which does nothing at first, they will unlock the weapons and classes. So if you want the new "Thingy for the person", you will buy the DLC, and once enough are boughten, everyone gets the new weapons. I realize its very cheap for the free players, I mean, I buy all the DLCs for my games, so when I buy this, why do the free players get it too? Well, if you truly want that update, then you will buy it anyways.

    Comments? Opinions?
  2. Tigerfox 360

    Tigerfox 360 New Member

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    Seriously? i'm not a grammar nazi.. but still.. that's pretty bad.

    in regards to your idea, not such a great idea.
    this is a capitalistic environment, people have money, buy the game to play the game.
    if they buy the dlc, they play that extra content too.
    video games are not a good place to test out a socialist environment.
    and i for one, do not want to spend money, just to wait for a set amount of people to also do the same, and then POOF. everyone gets the content?

    think about that idea carefully.. if your offered something for free, will you pay for it instead? EVERYONE would just wait for it to go free, meaning no one would ever pay for it.
  3. komanderkyle

    komanderkyle New Member

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    the only real "fair" way, whould be to make a knew League for MNC, like a group of updates and maps that you play only with the people who bought it, i(t whould be a twist like friday night combat or something)(bad idea)

    thats the only profitable/fair way
  4. Turnip

    Turnip New Member

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    Maybe a new "season" then?

    And I know that those who pay should get it because they paid, but any online game has a handful of whining noobies who do nothing but jump from server to server blabbing on the mic about "How unfair it is cuz I can't buy micosoft points cuz i swore at my mom and nowshe wont give me free monies and i dont work cuz i dont". It'd be much better if it was like TF2 and updates were free, or everyone got them somehow.
  5. Tigerfox 360

    Tigerfox 360 New Member

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    to the people who cant afford to pay 10 to 15 dollars for a bunch of extra monday night combat.. seriously, stop playing xbox, you obviously cannot afford to pay the subscription fee for your gold account either.

    honestly, whiners will whine.
    DLC when it's already in the game but "locked" is pretty 'cheap' on the devlopers side of things, because they spent time before release to build that content, but want to charge more for it later.
    making an XBLA game, and then adding content.. well it's still nowhere near 60 bucks, and i've had ALOT more fun with it than some other games i have paid out that much for.

    when the base price of retail games is 60, then you might have alittle bit of something to whine about.. when this game is only 1200 points, 15 bucks, it's a STEAL.
    and anyone whining about having to pay for DLC needs to really grow up.

    the only reason why Valve can do the TF2 thing (for pc only, not xbox) is because they are a BIG company.
    if Uber ent owned microsoft, then they could do something similar.
    but these guys are millionaires, they are just a group of awesome dudes who have made an awesome game.

    in closing..
    1,Whiners can stfu.
    2,People can stop comparing MNC to TF2, because they are two vastly different and good games.

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