How to always run as administrator Windows 8.1

Discussion in 'Support!' started by daTomas, July 29, 2014.

  1. daTomas

    daTomas Member

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    After installing PA through steam, when I click the icon, windows 8.1 always ask me to run it as administrator. Is there a way to turn this off? Steam shortcut is set to run as admin, but PA shortcut is url.

    Also, is there a way to stay always logged on this forum? It disconnect me after some time, so I need to log in all the time...

    On side not, after playing the game on older system with all settings to minimum, playing it at uber settings is a entirely different experience. It's beautiful :)
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    You can find small PA.exe file (not one in bin_x86 or bin_x64), right click on it, choose "Properties" and in "Compatibility" set it to run as administrator. Though you might be need to disable thing called "SmartScreen".

    No. As far as I forum session just like UberNet session is binded to your IP address. Once it's change you have to login again.
    daTomas likes this.

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