How playable?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by demonvia, November 27, 2013.

  1. demonvia

    demonvia New Member

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    Hey everyone, I have been following PA since kickstarter days and today is the day that I'm looking at buying the steam version however I have a few questions before I throw my $69 at it :D

    How playable is PA at the moment? (I have not yet watched any recent game play vids yet)

    How is the multiplayer?

    thank you in advance
  2. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    It's a real beta.

    It's not a AAA title like CoD or BF where they do the "beta" only for server load testing.
    The game is in a real beta state with features and units still on the way.

    It's rough, but still fun.
    I say join us and help make gaming history :)
  3. dionytadema

    dionytadema Active Member

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    as said it's still beta, however the game runs quite smooth and it almost never crashes.

    if you want to buy this game go ahead but please take a look at them minimal specifications

    and here's a tip: this game sells for $60 on ubers own store, you can then convert it to steam (will save you 9$)
  4. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    It's a great game, but as has been said already, it's in beta so there are various bugs, and quite a few of the interplanetary features are not implemented/balanced yet. If you have waited this long, then maybe it is worth waiting until christmas, when the game may be near release. Of course, if money isn't an issue, and you want to support the devs so that they can make an even better game, then go ahead and buy it! There are plenty of people who would happily show you a thing or two :p

    EDIT: to make the answer more relevant: If you want to know what the multiplayer is like, check out some of the videos on, or some videos by ZaphodX on youtube. This will give you a good idea of the state that the multiplayer game is in at the moment :)
  5. demonvia

    demonvia New Member

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    Thank's for the replies everyone.

    After watching a few recent Gameplay Videos I might wait a little longer for the finished product, since PA is a game that I'm eager to play I want my first experience with PA to be almost perfect as I noticed a few minor things that would annoy me being that it's still in early Beta.

    again, thanks for all the info!
  6. igorantunov

    igorantunov New Member

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    You will ned to wait quite some time. There is great potential here but it is not yet realised.

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