How Often Do You Get Snared by Traps Per Game?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by southsidesox24, October 3, 2010.

  1. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    Based on the discussion in the other thread, I decided a little more information needed to be gathered. So I have a question that you guys can answer or not.

    How often do you get snared by traps per game?

    Obviously, this will only include matches that have snipers on the opposing team. If you guys feel so inclined, I think it would be helpful to discuss circumstance as well. Obviously, if your team is stuck in their base the whole match, then you are more likely to encounter snares. First, which pros do you normally play as. Also, what general areas (Upper, lower, your base, enemy base) you get snared in. And finally, what function are you going about when you are snared? Are you pushing with bots, pushing the upper area in conjunction with bots, are you trying to root out a sniper from in his base, etc. This discussion will not include any comments about "You're doing it wrong" or "You suck", its just simple information gathering.

    I'll start.

    I play about 50-50 Sniper and Tank.
    I usually get snared less than once a game.
    When I do get snared, it is usually either on the upper area of the map, or in the opposing teams base.
    Usually, I am pushing bots in the upper main area of each map, looking down on them, or fighting enemies trying to keep/gain control of the upper area. I very rarely try to take a sniper on by charging the area they are occupying. As a sniper, I am obviously counter-sniping him. As a tank, I will try to flank or try to fire at him with the rail gun from positions where I cannot be head shotted(for example, in LazeRazor, you can have the gun side of your body hanging outside of a wall while your face is still covered. Spamming product grenades at him is also fun, and can even get occasional kills at Lvl 3.

    I'm not trying to say I am better than anyone, simply that my play style may potentially lend itself to not getting snared as much. Feel free to be honest, either on how little or how much you get snared.
  2. Red Shift

    Red Shift New Member

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    I play mostly Assault. Under average circumstances, I usually only get snared once or twice per game with a Sniper.

    I usually get snared on the higher parts of the maps. Rarely do I ever get snared when I'm coming after the Sniper himself - usually I'm chasing one of the Sniper's teammates or moving to take out turrets or the moneyball and I don't even realize there's a Sniper nearby. Once I get Snared and the Sniper gets his free headshot, I just adjust my game plan so that I either leave the Sniper alone or hit him from an angle he wouldn't likely anticipate.

    Let me know what you conclude from your research :p
  3. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Southside if you don't mind ill add you on xbl and when I get a chance, let you play against my sniper. Id love to see how you play sniper as well.
  4. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I see them. I jump over them. I still get caught in them. All of the time.
  5. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Once every several games, usually by some other Sniper that rushes me down and throws a trap at me like he expects it to stop me from killing him long enough so he can grapple and ring me out, or multiple times if I see some Sniper camping in the front entrance of his own spawn (think AmmoMule) surrounded by traps and I have juice, then I'll do it intentionally just to be a ****. Much of the time, I'll find that they were just level 1 traps, and I go away disappointed.
  6. Greggyyyy

    Greggyyyy New Member

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  7. PhiyerBayse

    PhiyerBayse New Member

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    Allllll the time.
    I play Assassin and play Assassin very fast. I usually have no time to look for traps.
  8. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    Greg, you are sooooo funny. Did you come up with witty post all by yourself? Tell me, when you were playing MNC with your e-friends today, how long did it take you to point out how witty your post was?
  9. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    Easy killer. Somebody seems a little hostile.

    To answer your questions, I very, very, very seldom get caught in an ice trap. I play an defensive sniper until I get enough coin for my liking, then I am very offensive the rest of the match. I enjoying hanging out in the enemy base cause havoc and annoying the **** out of the other team. I thoroughly enjoy rushing another sniper's nest and making him panic before I end up ventilating his dome. Since I main sniper I know what to look for. I also know the radius that triggers the ice trap. It's possible to jump them with every character, but much easier to go around them on either side. The radius doesn't increase like the assaults bomb, so they are always the same size. Take a minute and play a sniper. Learn the radius, then exploit it's weaknesses. The only pain in the *** would be overlapping traps, but that's a waste of traps and it leaves an entirely alternate and open lane to take him out.
  10. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    I don't get snared too often i play assault and support but i usually kill the sniper with a bomb or air strike, or even hover over them. But when i rarely do i die unless someone kills the sniper because it drains my skills. And i also believe 3 traps is too many.
  11. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    Its a 50/50 when I try to charge through it, if its on the jump pad exit your basically boned every time unless your an assault. The learning curve to "put the trap on the landing area" isnt exactly high.
  12. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Once I get snared once or twice, I get wise to the sniper and usually circumvent the sniper entirely. I typically don't engage snipers unless there's coming straight out of the spawn while we're wrecking their base.

    If I get snared more than that, it's because the sniper is trying to be cheeky by putting his traps right on the lanes, nowhere near where he traditionally camps.
  13. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    I've learned to be on the lookout for traps when I know there's a camp-happy sniper on the other team, so less than once or twice a game.

    Last match I played, though, I was in a goofy mood. I just picked a sniper and kept throwing myself at him. Wasn't playing seriously, but it was fun in it's own way. Didn't do any good for my K/D, but I got him in the end. Once I drove him off his ice trap nest, he was a ***** cat. Like he was new to the game all over again. :p

    My team won that game, by the way. :D
  14. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    I would like to see you try that with me, hombre.
  15. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    Are you admitting to being a camping sniper, hombre? That's contrary to what you said earlier, killer.
  16. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    As a further update to this, I wonder if you guys would mention how often when you are caught in traps that they have skill drain on them? This is not saying it is or is not over-powered, just a general knowledge question.

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