How Not To Suck

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by pecoto, August 20, 2010.

  1. pecoto

    pecoto New Member

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    Okay, so you heard about this new game and had 15 dollars burning a hole in your download with much anticipation....and then spend the next 10 minutes getting killed over and over and over. What now?

    Judging by the (poor) play by the vast majority of the players of Monday Night Combat I think most just assume that it is another shooter. See man. Shoot Man. Achieve high Kill/Death ratio = I win. Well my friend, if you are playing this way you are doing it WRONG. Hopefully this little post can help you make a more useful team-mate (and pump up your cash and scores).

    1. This is NOT Team Deathmatch....or Free For All. The goal is to get your bots into the enemy base, drop their ball, then destroy it. While killing Pros CAN help, it does not necessarily help. Prioritize pros that are destroying your bots and turrets. Pros that are just harassing other Pros or mindlessly camping worthless out of the way areas should just be avoided. If they are harassing or interfering with your play, kill them with extreme prejudice. If not, just let them waste their time and money.

    2. Make and upgrade some turrets. I too once thought that personal upgrades were more important in the first stages of the game....until I bought and upgraded a turret with my starting money on a whim. Wow...the money flowed in and I upgraded EVEN FASTER than I ever had before. A turret you have built or upgraded becomes an income stream. Depending upon the map and where you place your turret, a turret can be a HUGE cash cow. Experiment with this and I think you will be pleased. They also help defend your base, especially when your "team-mates" are Pro hunting crazed and abandon the base the entire game. If you want to lose in less than 3 minutes, do not build any turrets. I have seen sub 2 minute blowouts as a result of no turrets and no base defense (and not by particularly skilled teams on the other side either).

    3. Defend Your Ball! Seriously, if your ball is dropped GO DEFEND IT. You will have plenty of chances to up your score by killing pros and bots if your ball is down, because it will draw enemy players like flies to honey. Don't think of it so much as defense....think of it as prioritizing a target rich environment. Remember....the game does not care about k/d ratio. The first MVP I got was when I was playing pure defense and spent the whole game upgrading turrets, killing infiltrating Pros and occasionally sniping across the map at Pros in compromising positions. I had 3 kills 36 assists and 1 death, and a LOAD of cash. MVP.

    4. Kill BOTS! Seriously, bots are a great source of both cash and juice and go down quickly to any Pro using the right weapons and tactics. Figure out how your Pro takes down bots the most efficiently and farm the tar out of them. YOUR bots will get to their ball more quickly and efficiently, your score will go up, you will get juice far faster on average than Pro hunting and you will win more games.

    5. Know they enemy, Know thyself. Experiment with ALL of your chosen Pro's capabilities, know what they are all good for, and what they all suck at. Specifically, I see very few players using their characters alternative weapons AT ALL. The alternative weapons are in general very powerful and have surprising strengths and weaknesses....experiment with everything. Also, watch and read guides on particular classes both on these boards and elsewhere, but take them with a grain of salt. Your playstyle will differ from other people so you have to figure out what works best for you. Having trouble with a particular Pro? Play with them for a few rounds and see what kills you and what is hard to deal with. Use that knowledge to your advantage.

    6. Generate some robots! For a mere 100 bucks you can add significantly to your teams killing power. I generate bots whenever I have 100 bucks eating a hole in my pocket and nothing really great to spend it on (like turret upgrades, etc.) It is very rare that I don't see a significant return on that investment. Remember...when YOUR bots get get CASH.

    7. Help Your Team-Mates! If you have played at all, you have undoubtedly been double teamed and seen how effective it can be for two (or more) pros to gang up on one. Do it yourself! Team up with a buddy and go wreck some bots and pros. It's of course much easier if both people are using head-sets, but it can be effective just to follow a fellow player (especially if you have seen that they know what they are doing) and help them out. Assassin for example, are MUCH less effective when there is someone standing there waiting to blast them when they grapple your team-mate. You may not save your team-mate but killing the assassin as they finish their grapple will make them think twice about tangling with your little team again.

    8. Situational Awareness. Know where you are and what is around you at all times. Look around A LOT. Find out where all the items, hiding places, blind corners and jump-pads are at on ALL the maps. Remember areas snipers like to watch, areas that assassins like to hunt in and that Supports like to drop sentinels in. Use that knowledge to your advantage!

    And Finally: STOP SHOOTING THEIR SHIELDED BALL. Seriously, it does only a tiny amount of damage unless you are juiced and is a terrible waste of juice if the ball is not down. Besides, it draws so much hostile attention, that is usually a quick death sentence if anyone on their team is paying attention at all.
  2. blue atlas

    blue atlas New Member

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    Great tips for a beginning player. Wish I'd had this guide before I started. You will get much better at the game from playing all of the classes. You'll learn their strengths and weaknesses...sometimes it will almost feel like you know what they're going to do before they do it.
  3. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

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    haha great noob guide lmao
  4. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    Very helpful tips...good job.
  5. zakiszak

    zakiszak New Member

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    Great tips for a beginner, thanks. I'll be using them.

    xCOLONEL QUESOx New Member

    Likes Received:
    Fantastic guide.
  7. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Now that I think about it, class-specific bots seem like a pretty poor investment in most cases. If you're lucky, the bot will get a kill or assist, then die. You've spent $100 on the bot, and you got $25 in return.

    This isn't saying that I don't spawn bots. I usually buy them just to harass. Multiple Bouncers/Gapshots/Gremlin squads are annoying as hell.
  8. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    Great general guide man!

    Hope it gets stickied! :-D
  9. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    Fair point but I mainly spawn bots to get rid of those players that like to hide just outside your base and kill anything that comes out, It's an annoying tactic but usually a few bouncers/gremlins help stir things up and scatters them.

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