I was curious as to how much of the events in the game are collected by the server. I guess there are two sides to my curiosity: Is there a prism style intelligence gathering operation going on where all you offensive in game chats will be logged and used against you at some point in the future in some James Bond villain style blackmail plot. Secondly and more importantly are the endgame lag issues and other various performance issues in alpha visible to the server and hence to the devs for the purpose of improving the game?
Unknown, but I think it's fair to say that having a good community is a pretty big goal for Uber given the large number of Community/Co-Op play options there are for PA. Well, they play the same builds as we do(they just get more builds) and they play on their own servers(and so do we) so they have access to everything straight up and will continue to do so until they let us start to host our own servers(which might not be until late Beta or maybe even Release). Between that and the plethora of Bug reports in the Bug Tracker I think Uber has a good understanding of what's going on engine side. Mike
I was just thinking that there are more games 'out in the wide' as it were than played by the devs, on average about 150 people at anyone time. In a game yesterday I got a simulation terminated error, its conceivable that the sever logs these errors, I was wondering if it does.
The server does log in terminations, it was said by Ben and Neutrino a lot of times. Similar to how your Event viewer in windows registers a crash, the same way the server registers the termination.
We get logs out of the game server that are fairly detailed. We also get crash dumps from it as well as crash dumps from end users. Expect all chat to be logged as well. In addition the entire replay of the game is meant to get archived although that's still a work in progress.
Looks like it's time to dust off my tin foil hat. Thankfully I rarely use the in-game chat as it's all done over teamspeak
I wish the NSA hosted our servers, it'd be way cheaper for us to run the game if they were paid for by tax dollars.