how much of advantages a 99 has compared to a lvl 1?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by anon357, November 27, 2010.

  1. anon357

    anon357 New Member

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    man i got my *** handed quite a few times in the demo but they were all level 99. so theres no way i can play on a fair field? almost all the people i came across in the dmeo were level 99 :| . what exactly do you all have more than i dont. thank you
  2. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    All level 99s have are six custom class spots (and assuming they got there legitimately, loads more in-game experience and play time than you).

    Other than that, its exactly the same. No extra weapons/endorsements are unlocked at any point in the game.
  3. Metallic Rage

    Metallic Rage New Member

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    99's have many advantages but don't let it discourage you from picking up the game, it's cheap and well worth 15$. The replay value is superb

    A 99 has many advantages over a new player such as:

    6 Custom class slots.

    Knowing what every class has skill wise and a good order to upgrade them in.

    Knowing the map architecture and spots to go for safety, control points, ejectors, etc..

    Knowing what each gun is good for and range on them, i.e. Not using the Assault Rifle at
    long range because the damage falls off with distance.

    Knowing timing of the annihilator and bot/pro spawns.

    Knowing what Endorsements are good to use for each class in the gold/silver/bronze spots.

    99's also have good map awareness compared to someone who is new. They know what is happening all over the map typically. It only takes a second or two to look over to see if you need to help kill bots in the other lane. Though since you're new you are probably going to focus on not getting backstabbed by 134234234 assassins.

    Knowing where and when to build turrets, i.e. Not placing a long shot turret in a spot that is going to plaster the underside of a walkway by your spawn/moneyball.

    Use some common sense(don't face grab a tank) and learn by playing and from mistakes, no one started out a pro. It's a great game.
  4. Metallic Rage

    Metallic Rage New Member

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    Or just read Hudson's post. Short and simple lol.
  5. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    First, getting to 99 takes awhile so they will be more experienced with the advantages/disadvantages of each class and will be more likely to play appropriately.

    Second, they will have 6 custom class slots so that they don't have to use the default builds. The only default build that's decent is the support, as far as I could tell.

    What I recommend is going to "The Scramble" and using the default support. Place your firebase right in front of the middle turret nub. Upgrade hack to level two, your firebase to level two, and build a shaveice and upgrade it to level two. Hack both, and let the firebase kill everything that wanders your way while you keep them over healed. Let the rounds run, and build up money to buy upgraded skills.

    After you've upgraded Hack, Firebase, and Airstrike to level three, build a lazerblazer next to the moneyball, and pick up your firebase and move it next to your moneyball. Keep all three turrets hacked. Once you have $600, build a Rock-it next to your moneyball and upgrade it once.

    Just keep adding to your turret farm and keep all of them overhealed. After several rounds an artillery bot called the Gapshot will come out of the front spawn doors. You'll be able to hear it easily. Go toss an airstrike at it so it doesn't make upkeep of your turrets difficult.

    Remember the Airstrike is an instant kill to all the bots, so if you start to get overwhelmed toss all three in a spread where the most bots will be in 2 seconds. There are also Ejectors which will instant-kill bots, and an annihilator on the ring around the moneyball which you'll need jump pads to get to. The Annihilator is an instant kill to all but the Jackbot, which it will heavily damage. With your turret farm in place, it should wipe most, if not all, of the Jackbot threat out.

    You should make enough money and rank a few times from doing this, and in the meantime you get a feel for the physics and movement of the game. Once you unlock your first custom slot, pick a class and read all guides on that class on this forum (Strategy and Tactics) and try out endorsement builds that they recommend.

    This is the path to success on MNC.
  6. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Understatement of the century
  7. anon357

    anon357 New Member

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    i guess thats why i could only do good with him in the demo :mrgreen:. thanks for the strategy ill surely try that if i get the full game.

    and sorry for the noob question but whats the scramble?

    thank you so much for the answers all, good to hear that its not so unbalanced. i thought they would have better weps,etc. thats a relief. thanks!
  8. StargazingGarou

    StargazingGarou New Member

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    The Scramble would be the Scramble Blitz mode. It will also let you learn a lot about the different bot types you'll see in Crossfire mode, with the Scramblers, Gremlins and Bouncers that show up.
  9. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    assuming the lvl 99 has played the same amount as the lvl 0 (lvl 0 is actually the lowest), they have no disadvantage.

    and i pray it stays that way in the future for the most part, with lvl 99 all-star-mode not earning some kind of golden 2xdamage shotgun for every class... :evil:

    but anyhow, there isnt an advantage. a lvl 1 with one custom slot unlocked can do as good as a lvl 99, pending they know what to do. since 99s tend to know what to do more often and better, they usually play better.

    if you played mw2, you know that a lvl 70 10th prestige doesnt always play well. either played a lot but isnt good or they didnt earn it legitimately. lvl 1 can play better than a lvl 70 (tho they do have a bit of a disadvantage as far as available weapons). thus, we called bad lvl 70s "fakes" lmao...

    but yeah, this game > mw2. when the free dlc comes out, this game would be worth at the very least $30, so getting it at $15 would be discount long-term quality gaming of the multiplayer and singleplayer varieties, my friend ;)

    better than paying $60 for a game i would barely now pay $20 for (on its release)
  10. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    Experience and 6 custom classes.

    As far as other shooters go, MNC is less punishing for newbies. The maps are very simple to learn, and your strategy/class learning curve is about the same as any other game. I'd say it's easy to jump into, hard to put down. Level 99 is not an indication of skill, only of time spent.
  11. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Limed for truth
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The "level" of a player is determined by their lifetime earnings. Money is what Monday Night Combat (MNC) is all about. A player's "level" is based off of their overall money made. This is across both game modes. I could get to 99 in Blitz, which is 4 player Co-op, and also be 99 in a Crossfire game.
  13. anon357

    anon357 New Member

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    ok so your crossfire level is not the same as your blitz level? oh and anyone wants to play some of the blitz gamemodes for the achievments? if you want add me QCSPY
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    No. They are the same. You have one level throughout the whole game.
  15. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    ROFL. Ah, those were good times. :oops:
  16. anon357

    anon357 New Member

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    omg...just played a few games and 3/4 of the teams are assassins. ******* shitheads running around thinking theyre cool. theyre less laughing when they taste my support shotgun. theyre only a real problem when theyre 2+ more after me. and they need to fix their **** with the host migration. youre on the edge of winning a game and a person rage quit and the game crashes
  17. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    are you new to the game and not playing assassin?
  18. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    /common sense

    feel proud too, its really a compliment to have common sense. common sense isnt too common, and is actually quite rare, nowadays.
  19. anon357

    anon357 New Member

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    yeah and just went 16 - 1 with support, im proud :mrgreen:
  20. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    How so, Ian?

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