Most mods i know change the game so much, that you need to uninstall the whole game and reinstall if you want the core again. But it seems there will be a huge amount of mods, and it could become difficult to play against player who have the same mods as you. Can a setup be includet where you can activate / deactivate the mods you are using, like WoW?
Im not aware of what it is called, but theres third party software than can help manage this i think. one of the regular modders will surely know
It's only mater if you talking about server-side mods. Client-side mods only mater on client. Actually it's fairly easy to implement in mod manager, i'm playing around it for some time. Most of client-side data (exclude animations and 3d models) are in plain text formats, so it's fairly easy to patch these files.
There is already mod manager you can use: viewtopic.php?f=72&t=49518 But to be fair it's not designed well enough, so I'm making my own research and think how client-side mods can be handled.
Alright, i actually already had problems with the minecraft mod thingies, even though its not hard to get the mods, most time i am able to break the game with it and my time go to waste. So i thought something already includet in the game would be the best
Minecraft never was mods-friendly game. It's Java, but code is obfuscated and as long as I know there wasn't proper mod support for long time (not sure about now). PA is different, it's designed to be modified...