How moddable?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by antonyboysx, May 12, 2013.

  1. antonyboysx

    antonyboysx Member

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    How moddable will the game be? Will you be able to only edit in game content, such as new/ upgraded units ect. I was thinking, maybe there could be some music/ sound effect mods, and some other unique mods, such as the way planets generate:

    The appearance of the planets (like texture pack)
    The shape of them (such as a cube, triangular-based-pyramid, ect)
    And adding things (such as new resources, eg lava, acid pools, and other)
  2. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    From what Uber has told us, one word:

    • very.

    I really don't think anything else needs to be said in this thread. If you're still interested, look here.
  3. antonyboysx

    antonyboysx Member

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    OK! Me and a few friends wanted to make geometric shaped planets.
  4. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    Custom shapes for planets won't be in the release of the game, but Neutrino has said he'd like to get it working (apparently you need to deal with things like 'where is the gravity coming from', and 'what is down'). Anything spherical in nature will work tho.
  5. antonyboysx

    antonyboysx Member

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    I guess that, since the earth is a sphere, and has a spherical gravitational core;

    A cube planet would have a cubic gravitational core,
    A cylindrical planet would have a cylindrical gravitational core,
    A nonagon-based-pyramid shaped planet would have a nonagon-based-pyramid shaped gravitational core,
    And an enneacontahedron shaped planet (90 faces) would have an enneacontahedron-shaped gravitational core!
  6. thapear

    thapear Member

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    Are you being serious? I hope not, otherwise you should read up on your physics. A cube or enneacontahedron shaped planet would still have a spherical gravitational core.
  7. antonyboysx

    antonyboysx Member

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    Yes I am! I guess an enneacontahedron shaped gravitational core would be almost spherical, but I thought a cube gravitational core would fit in a cube, but have less gravity on the edge of the faces. What about a cylinder or nonagon pyramid?

    Anyway, can you prove this, with a real life [not actual size of course] example (most theories are incorrect to a slight degree) and plus, I wanted to make shapes that would be original, and I have always wanted to break the laws of physics.
  8. dallonf

    dallonf Active Member

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    Assuming, of course, that the game adheres to the laws of physics and doesn't do something more like Super Mario Galaxy, which I think would be more fun, especially for modders.

    Video game logic > physics, every time.
  9. antonyboysx

    antonyboysx Member

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    I remember super Mario galaxy as well, but you couldn't walk on all of the faces of the planets (which just goes to show that bringing up such matter is pointless).

    And you were saying, if it adheres to the laws of physics would be more fun? I hope the game does, but only to a degree such that my custom planets would have the gravity that I intended, which still obeys the laws of physics to a close enough degree for it to be both fun and sensible, in which people with less knowledge of such topics wouldn't get confused.

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