How many of your friends play MNC?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Miles Prower, January 17, 2011.

  1. Miles Prower

    Miles Prower New Member

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    I'm curious how large (overall population), connected (friends playing together vs loners soloing), and diverse (kinds of other games played) the MNC community is.

    So my questions are:

    1. How many MNC players do you think there are?
    2. How many of your friends play MNC? (both number and percent)
    3. What other games do you and your MNC/non-MNC friends play?

    For me:

    1. Not a clue
    2. 20 of my 20 friends (100%) play MNC. That's mainly because I got an Xbox not so long ago and found all my friends through MNC.
    3. I have no non-MNC friends. All of my MNC friends play either Black Ops or Reach, but not both. I don't really play either. I play more FIFA 11, Super Street Fighter 4, and Skate 3.
    Last edited: January 18, 2011
  2. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    1. No idea.
    2. 17/57
    3. Most of them are old Halo 2 buddies, so they play a lot of Reach/CoD. Outside of MNC, I pretty much only play sports games. FIFA/NBA 2k/NHL are my main games I play now. Lost complete interest in Halo when H3 came out and don't really care for CoD.
  3. Mellowbusiness

    Mellowbusiness New Member

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    used to be 10

    they all moved on to Black Ops.

    This is bascially the only game i play on Xbox sinces its unique and all that.
  4. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    1. How many MNC players do you think there are?
    I never have a problem getting a game so, for right now, Enough.
    2. How many of your friends play MNC? (both number and percent)
    7 out of 49 / 14%
    3. What other games do you and your MNC/non-MNC friends play?
    This is the only game I play on the 360 right now. I have alot of PC games I am playing though.
  5. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    I have someone on my friend's list that is a level 3 and is ranked just outside the toop 250,000, if that helps.

    And almost everybody on my FL plays MNC. I actually filled it up playing this game, and I never thought that would happen.
  6. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I don't have any friends... :(
  7. xRustySpoon

    xRustySpoon New Member

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    1. I would throw out a number, but there is a difference between the number of people who actually play the game, and the people who just played the 1 hour trial. That's gotta throw the number off.

    2. I think around 10 out of my 60+ friends.

    3. I play a ton of Call of Duty, my friends as well. Other than that, I play a little bit of NFS: Hot Pursuit (really fun multiplayer), Battlefield:BC2, and occasionally Fallout: New Vegas.
  8. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    1. If you can search for games with decent wait, it must have enough.

    2. About 6 are actual friends, 3 more are from the Internet from YouTube or various friending threads. I guess it's out of around 60 total friends on my list.

    3. I haven't played Black Ops in weeks. I enjoy browsing the indie games list and my other recent games include Costume Quest, Mass Effect 2, and Blazblue: Continuum Shift.

    I haven't actually played with a party in while though because most of them are either not on at the same time or aren't playing MNC much anymore.
  9. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I recently reduced my friends list from 100 to 78. Of those, 56 play or have played MNC.

    The vast majority of my list is on MNC at some point of the day. The rest are old Cod4/MW2 friends.

    I only play MNC and BC2 Player on XBL. I'll soon be on AC: Brotherhood though.

    The rest are single player games (fallout, red dead, oblivion)
  10. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    Only one of my feral friends has XBL and he does not play MNC
    We play halo together.
    The rest of FL consists of 60% MNC and 40% Halo
  11. JuniorBarnes

    JuniorBarnes New Member

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    A good number of my flesh-and-blood-in-real-life friends bought MNC over the summer, but I'd say I only play with half a dozen or so monthly, and only two regularly. Two co-workers purchased it for review purchases and we played quite a bit at launch. I'm the only one who stuck around. Only one other friend of mine is all-starred along with me. My roommates play on my account pretty often, too. The ones who gave UBER their money but hardly play can't get into Crossfire. They don't play enough to get discouraged by pubstompers, but their brains are too wired to COD/Halo/ad nauseum to get what MNC is all about.
  12. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    1) Not a scooby
    2) approx. 35%/40% of XBL friends, and 3 (75%) of my RL friends want the game, but nobody has it
    3) I had a good game of NFS Hot Pursuit with PohTayToez lately, but nowt other than that.
    Side-note, a Koenigsegg CCX police car chasing down a racer in a Koenigsegg CCX is fragging awesome.
  13. leov1993

    leov1993 Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    1) 255561

    2) 0 out of 17

    3) Black ops

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