How Many Hours?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by ASH, March 23, 2011.

  1. ASH

    ASH Member

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    I was looking at the leaderboards and noticed that pretty much the same people are in the top 20 and have been for quite a while now.

    I've gotta ask...
    How many hours do these people play per day?
    I took a two day break from MNC and my rank dropped nearly twenty spots. In order for these players to consistently remain at the top, they have to pretty much devote most of their waking hours to the game.

    No, I'm not going to tell them to "get a life" or anything like that (even though I'll bet that some of you have probably thought that too), but jeez, they sure do spend a majority of their time on MNC. :shock:
    I play about 2-3 hours per day and sometimes not at all and I've never gone beyond the rank of around 525 or so. While I applaud them for making it to the top, I've got to wonder about them. Is MNC taking up most of their life and free time?

    This thread is not meant to start any flame wars, so please don't do it.
    I'm honestly curious.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    "Is MNC taking up most of their life and free time?"

    I honestly have to ask but who are you to judge?
  3. ASH

    ASH Member

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    I'm not judging. I'm perplexed that a person would devote so much of their life to a video game.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I'm perplexed that someone would care about someone else's gaming habits who they do not know. With the way it's worded you seem to be judging them in a harsh way.

    Also what about those you make video games? That's their living.
  5. ASH

    ASH Member

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    I suppose I could've worded it a bit differently, but it just blows my mind the amount of hours certain individuals play MNC and other games.

    Obviously the makers of video games are going to be around and play them a lot. But there's a difference between a game maker and a player who spends every waking hour in front of their TV screen attempting to stay at the top of the leaderboards.

    Don't get me wrong, I grew up with video games. I remember when we got our first Atari back in 1980 and then an Intellivision in 1981, and a Colecovision in 1983. I've gone through almost every game system out there and never had what seems to be the obsessive compulsion some gamers have today.
    Besides, my mother would only allow us kids to play for so long before she kicked us out of the house and made us go play outside. :)
  6. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Then start a Topic discussing that. Ash is asking a legitimate question.

    Ash, to answer your question, I enjoy the game as well as the company of the people who play it.

    I figured out how many hours per day it took me to reach 14 mil in earnings...

    6 hours per day.

    I need a life... :oops:
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    MMO players will turn your brain into mush then. 20+ hours a day/7 days a week.
  8. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    You still owe me a game, douche! You left after the first one and said you would come back, but didn't!! :(
  9. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    I'm not being a **** but I can't stand people like you. Why is the idea that someone spends a lot of time on a game a problem? Or questionable?
    "so much of their life". Key word: their.
    Some people don't have anything better to do than play video games. Maybe they are addicted to video games. Or maybe they actually enjoy playing video games so much, either because of the people they play with, talk to, interact with, distract them from the everyday garbage that makes their day so boring and crap. The word "devote" is pretty strong. It's not like people are slaves to the game, although many will disagree. Others see it as a personal accomplishment to get to the top of a leaderboard in the same way as a footballer getting to the top of the league tables. Not the same you say? How so?
    If your jealous or amazed at how someone plays a game so much, give the person respect.
    The same way people follow and support professional gamers who put years of playing because it's their job. Video games can be and are huge in many peoples lives, it's not like a silly hobby or something you should be laughed at for playing it a lot.
  10. ASH

    ASH Member

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    Trust me dude, I know!
    I've had friends that seemed to disappear off the face of the earth when World of WarCrack came out. I've seen friends' marriages in turmoil because of their MMORPG gaming obsessions.

    I tried WOW and honestly, I was pretty bored with it. Yes, I did all the things you're supposed to do like joining a guild, going on quests, etc... But it never really appealed to me.
  11. xS m o k 3 z

    xS m o k 3 z New Member

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    my brother stayed up for 50 hours playing that new rift game and was the first to hit level 50 in the whole world so if you wanna tell anyone to get a life its him. He plays MMORPG's for like 15 hours a day then sleeps for about 4 hours then repeats.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Rift is an awesome game. :D
  13. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    Honestly, the only people who are high on the leaderboards and would care that you said they might have no life... are people who have no life. I am like 24 in earnings, 6 in kills, and 34 in wins, but more importantly, I am in college (carrying a 3.9 GPA and transferring to UF next fall), working a full time job, and it is rare I am ever around after 9 or 10 oclock (standup comic/rabid fan of alcohol). Time management goes a long way...

    I'd say it depends more on how FAST you've risen on the forums then how high you actually are. I probably play an hour or two a day, but I have been playing since right after the game was released with little breaks. Plus, during Christmas break I played a TON (combination of new DLC and lots of unusual free time was self destructive).
  14. xS m o k 3 z

    xS m o k 3 z New Member

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    rift is an awesome game its sad that my brother wont take the contract the CEO of the company offered him and the How To. books radio stations want to interview him about, but i guess thats his decision. Kckzi we all know you suck at this game and make up the worst jokes so go marinate in that. :D
  15. mute

    mute New Member

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    I play about the same rate as the op.. maybe 2-3 hours a day, but I can go a week without playing at all. On one of my day's off I'll often end up playing 4-5 hours into the AM. I remain ranked about 250.. doesnt really go up or down much.

    Some of you guys are way too sensitive. It's a legit question and he tried to ask it in the most non-offending way possible.. and even if some parts didnt come off that way, its easy to interpret what he was asking. Despite the OP's effort to prevent otherwise, I'm surprised a MOD was the one that attempted to make it into a flame thread.

    Something that is not being said in regards to the leaderboards.. most of them play in a team lobby when they are playing and that largely ends up meaning easy kills and raking up earnings than when you don't play in team lobbies/parties as often. Even if its just a 2 party team. When I spend a day playing with a lobby/party I'll rank up fast.. but then I'll go a few days where I just play solo in random pubs and I either don't rank or drop down in the rankings. This is just as much a part of the leaderboard equation as playing time is... or more. For example, when pubstomping you'll end up going like 25-10-5 or better in every single game, when playing solo pubs you'll often end up breaking even and sometimes go negative because you had to focus more on squeezing out a win rather than pro kills, etc. Parties/lobbies lead to inflated earnings,.. but thats a part of every multiplayer game in existence really and its not really something to complain about for the most part, it just is what it is.
  16. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Yeah but the thing that annoys me is how he is "perplexed" at how people spend so much time on games, blah, blah, blah, how is this possible, derp, derp, derp.
  17. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Well Ash, another trick the "pros" use to make money and climb the leaderboards is to STAY IN GAMES. Yes, even if you are losing, don't just leave.

    BTW, why did you leave that match on Ammo Mule earlier?
  18. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    *Insert signature Deadpool FTW "Oh SNAP!" picture*
  19. ASH

    ASH Member

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    Probably because my team sucked. I can only do so much to help get the win and it's extremely frustrating when your team can't pull their weight.
  20. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I was on your team. I'll take that as a compliment. So...thank you? :D

    Also, you were only there for 10-15 seconds. Did you know we came back to win that game? Of course not, you were busy searching for a different game. I also made $5300 that game. If my figures are correct, you made $350 max. If you would have stuck around, my sucky team and I would have earned you an easy $1000 and another win for your leaderboard stats.

    Maybe next time Ash. ;)

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