How do I stop a sniper over 70?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by Hopewolf, February 3, 2011.

  1. Hopewolf

    Hopewolf New Member

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    Topic subject, pretty much.

    I was unlucky enough to join a server with a pair of over level 70 snipers. One for each team. It was lovely seeing them go over 40 with about 3 deaths each. Stepping out and instantly losing my head. How do you counter them?
    As a sin, they lay a trap right at their feet from behind (so if you smoke bomb jump and land literally right behind him he's got ya) and have armor, they grapple/quickscope close range, instant kill. Not to mention they have to have their sound maxed for how quick they turn when you're anywhere near skimming for that trap that is about to ruin your day.
    As a gunner-LOL.
    As a tank-double LOL.
    As an assault-lol headshot. They were pretty fast on the juice key too before you bring it up, getting near them with 5 other decent players was a no-go.
    As a fellow sniper, that 70 ain't for show. Instant quickscope kill on you, headshot no less. I think I was taken down 5 times while jumping and trying to shoot back, never once with a bodyshot.
    As a support-lol.

    Long range, you're a dead man. Medium, quick scope you're a dead man. Short, quick scope you're a dead man/Flak bodyshot quickscope dead man. Melee, grapple one shot/trap quickscope dead man. WTF? From where I'm standing, Sniper goes beyond OP, there is no weakness when they can quickscope, and they eliminate bot waves with about 2 well placed shots per blackjack. Is there a weakness? Or a way to blacklist someone and never play with them again >>?
  2. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Do you mean he has level 3 traps? If their traps aren't level 3 you can still grapple them. You can tell by the skill draining swirlies around your characters head as you're frozen. Snipers have even tried walking up to assassins to grapple them only to get grappled themselves.
  3. Hopewolf

    Hopewolf New Member

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    Oh yeah, he's definitely maxed his trap second, TRUST me :cry: .
    Although landing behind him was a bit of a feat, he'd hop out for 1 second, fire, and duck, so he was in a constant state of motion. And I suddenly wasn't when the trap went off. Boom. Headshot. It was lovely -_-.
  4. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    They key is to not get in his line of sight, get someone to distract him and then strike. Or just gangbang them with 2 or more assassins.
  5. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    This is likely a PUB.

    In other words, yeah you're screwed. ESPECIALLY if there's two equally good snipers sticking right next to each other, then it becomes a lucky coin toss if you start running down the ONE lane that isn't filled with instadeath in less than a second.

    Of course, if you're not being trapped and medium-short to short range still getting headshot, that's grounds for hackusations right there.
  6. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Not a single bit, you can be 10cm away from a decent sniper's face and it'll be a headshot or at least severe damage. I don't care if you were sarcastic or not but point blank headshots are even easier than long-range ones
  7. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    That's the problem I'm having right there: I need at least two coordinated people to take him down. I don't need a team to take down any other class.

    As far as I'm concerned the Sniper balance doesn't work for pubs at all.
  8. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    And how would you propose a change to that Jessep without screwing over the Sniper for competitive play? Sure you could disable Snipers on a pub but that's kinda missing the point
  9. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I have no idea, that's Scathis job to figure out. He gets payed to do that. :lol:
  10. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    That is actually the best response to my question, cheers!
  11. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    This is just theory but...
    If they really are that good, then they'll most likely be running just outside your spawn.
    Along with the rest of their team in the front.
    So: Go assassin. Cloak by them but IGNORE THEM.
    Go back to their base.
    Screw their turrets.
    Stop their bots from getting close to your base by spawn camping the bot spawners, hopefully they will be unaware of your actions.
    Get Juice.
    Demolish the rest of their base.
    Keep stopping the bot spawns.
    And they will eventually notice their base is turned into a smoking rubble with no defences.

    This is not a fix how to deal with them, just a theory I would like to try as a sin.

    The other team must dominate enough to not die and ignore any action going on in their base. And even if they do figure it out, switch to the other spawn... Unless its on spunky cola.

    JUST A THEORY AND NOT A FIX! You could try it, but theres no guarantee it will work as this is just on paper and no threats taken into consideration. :)
  12. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Glad we agree on that one. I'm sure he'll find a way to balance the Sniper both for competitive and pub matches.
  13. Near

    Near New Member

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    Depending on maps really, if the opposing Sniper is moderately good, I can harass him, stress him or force him to back off with bombs and such things. If the Sniper is godly I either try to walk up behind him (avoiding traps of course) and fill him with boolets/toss him out of the arena, or just plain ignore him and go for another route and do objectives out of his sight.
  14. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    This works on so-so snipers.

    The really good ones know what you're playing at and will just get you when you move, or shoot around you with explodey shots.
  15. Near

    Near New Member

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    Unpredictibility (is that a real word?) is key here.

    But yeah, if a Sniper is amazingly good, it's hard to take them on alone. That's why you got a team to distract them :p

    I must admit I've only met lvl60 snipers so far, and they weren't that good when you actually put some stress on them.
  16. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    BulletMagnet, we are such idiots! We should have just tried shooting back instead of knocking the bullets out of the way with our heads!

    Sorry for the sarcasm Near, try playing against a good Sniper with Gunner on Grenade III. ;)
  17. Near

    Near New Member

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    As far as I know, OP asked about how to stop a ~70 Sniper. So I said either counter him by any means (ambushing/mortar/assassin/counter-snipe) or leave him. What else are you supposed to do? Hug him? :roll:
  18. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I was just pulling your leg. There really isn't much you can do against a very good sniper in a match with randoms. Well, it kinda depends on your class. Assault or Assassin are your best option, if you play Gunner you are royally screwed.
  19. Near

    Near New Member

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    No worries mate, I agree with that.

    Just saying it's not impossible to counter skilled Snipers, just hard as hell :D
  20. Dark_Reaper115

    Dark_Reaper115 New Member

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    You need 2 assassins to kill those sons o' Chuck Norris.
    First assassin is for activating the ice trap. When the sniper turns to kill the assassin, the second one gets an easy grapple kill from behind. Invisi-Taunt. Get the f*ck away before he comes back. lol. Repeat the process. ??????. Profit.

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