My entire game consisted of waiting 1 minute after I selected my engineers to place more metal extractors, double click on factories and spamming shift+LMB to queue up more units, and doing exactly what is in the picture. I had a gigantic expansion base with over 200 engineers in it, and I never used it. It wasn't because I forgot about it, but because I didn't want to go to the trouble of microing mixed tiers of engineers to build more metal; I had enough metal already. My teammates were literally building nothing but energy, naval and AA defenses all game. I think I'll stick to Spudwars: Episode 4: The Return of the Chips.
I think no matter what type of definition you use, selecting your whole base and telling it to go somewhere is not micro?
i did and i had no idea what it had to do with micro you may noticed that it selects groups of similar units when selecting a wid area with priority going towards aattacking units also you can tell multiple types of fabs to build at once by pressing B a few times
It's ok, Mushroomars is just really bad at sarcasm... or perhaps he's really good, depending on your perception of the outcome of his attempt. Either way, Mushroomars is being sarcastic.
Being really bad at sarcasm and really good at sarcasm are entirely synonymous, so long as it takes people a while to get that you're being sarcastic. It's when people don't get that you're sarcastic that you have elevated to godhood. Or you have officially transformed into a massive throbbing cock. I wouldn't mind being both.