What's the story behind your GT or Steam ID? Mine, personally went like this: me and a couple of friends were playing Halo:CE at school and somebody said to use an animal as a name: I thought of a platypus. Now Govner, came both by luck and by deja vu. A guy my school always tried to act irish :roll: and always said: 'ello, govner. Then, when I created my Gt on Xbox, I tried typing different names. Until I thought: Govnerplatypus.
Well your seems much more interesting than mine, I use to work at subways and I to unoriginal to think up of a cool name so i thought i'd be Mr Subguy contrary to popular belief its not mrs ub guy gdi Desert.
I just wanted an obnoxiously long random name when creating my MSN account. They gave me 16 letters of freedom, I was going to use every last one of them. Forums/Games/etc. that don't allow 16 letters make me sadface. Like XBL for example, you're only allowed 15 characters. *farts in Microsoft's general direction*
Rob The Prez-O-Dent is a song by a super-underrated avant-garde band called That Handsome Devil. I love them and the song so much i made it my gamertag. yep.
I play lots of tabletop RPGs. During one of our games, I played a wizard who invented a spell called magic circle against intelligence to protect our dumb fighter guy from smart people. Later spells were summon bigger fool, smite genius, and epic feeblemind. So... "stupidmancer" didn't sound all that cool. Eventually settled on "foolamancer". Name got at least five times more awesome with the appearance of Jack Snipe, Foolamancer in Erfworld. The two aren't connected, but it made me like the name a lot more.
I got L. Spiro when I was 12 or 13 and have used it since (I am 29). Spiro is Latin for respirate, or to breathe. L = Lost. So my name means Lost Breath. This is suitable specifically for me because my lungs have collapsed about 7 times total and have required extensive surgery. However, my lungs did not collapse until I was 20. Fate, or would my lungs never have collapsed had I not chosen that name? You decide! L. Spiro
Honestly, I hate how my gamertag is associated with Salad Fingers, but 100's of people have told me that I got it from that, so I just agree with them now out of spite.
I like Strider. I have the luxury of having an asian last name. So I decided to use mine like Strider Hiryu or Strider Hien.