How can I manage my notifications?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mazar83, October 13, 2014.

  1. mazar83

    mazar83 Active Member

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    Hello everybody,

    During a game, notifications appear under the economy bar. However, the number of currently displayed notifications is relatively small compared to all the events that are happening in the game. A new notification is given for each unit/building that is constructed/destroyed by any player; that is a lot of notifications (plus there are others like the detection of enemy commanders). So, if you are busy when there is an important notification, you will probably miss the opportunity to click on the notification.

    I would really appreciate any information that the PA community could provide about currently available features that are available in the current build or mods.

    1) I have not found a way to see a list of all notifications. Is there a way to see that?

    2) I used "Alert Manager," which is very helpful but I was wondering if there are other available features. In the description for "Alert Manager," it mentions "a filtered subset of events." It would be awesome if I could customize which notifications I receive. Is there a way to completely turn off certain notifications? I really don't need a new notification every time I construct a unit/building. However, I would like to know when an enemy commander is detected or nukes/anti-nukes (or other important buildings) are constructed.

    3) Maybe more important notifications could persist longer under the economy bar, so that there is an opportunity to click on it? Is there a feature for that?

    Thanks for you help.

  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    There should not be a notification for every unit. Either PA Stats broke yet again (I dont think so) or you are using an outdated mod (alertsManager? I though that config UI for that is horrible broken currently?!)
    AlertsManager aimed at providing the filter you want, but as I said: The config UI is broken.
  3. mazar83

    mazar83 Active Member

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    Ok, thank you for your response. Now I am wondering, why do I receive notifications for every event?

    I actually uninstalled "PA Stats Online" a while back. I was unable to play PA after one of the updates, so I uninstalled any mods that were not recently updated (that included Alerts Manager).

    I would really like to know about currently available working features that address the issues discussed in my original post. That is, how can I see all the notifications in a list that is not constantly shifting? How can I filter my notifications?

    Thank you,

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