Hi everyone! Posting this here in the backers lounge so we have a bit more freedom when it comes to releasing information. Are you guys willing to share any updates on the design ideas being thrown around for the metal planets? I liked the initial idea given by Mavor on building Fusion reactors into certain 'slots' on the planet surface, and instead of contributing to your economy they would power the planets systems. I liked this idea because (assuming you need more than one reactor) the potential for the idea of 'staging' the activation of the planet, ESPECIALLY if there is some cool animation that accompanies each 'level'. The best thing that illustrates this would be the Necron Monolith upgrade animations in the Dawn of War: every upgrade stage would cause the building to give off many bright arcs of green energy as it rose further out of the ground before finally being a mobile structure/superweapon. Also great in that it implies that the planet can be taken down or weakened in similar stages: targeting the cluster of reactors that power the engines of an enemy planet would be crucial to buying your forces some time to prepare, or getting a guerrilla army to disable its planet-crushing weapon. Prioritizing the systems you want activated and in what order could add a great tactical and strategic dynamic: the enemy is coming and you don't have time to turn on everything, just power the main cannons and take as many of them down as possible! Anyway, less pontification and more question asking: any concepts or ideas you guys at Uber have come up with and are able to share? I know everyone would love to hear about it :3
I can't help thinking of some of the Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron stuff... Buildings transforming into giant artillery, etc.... <.<
I'm as excited as you are about the metal planets. But i believe (and trust) Uber will tell us when they think it's time for that.
Maybe the planet is already running at a certain power level and then it could be weakened so it self destructs! Any excuse for a good explosion should be pursued in this game.
Aside from the fact that it was the Third transformers movie and UNDENIABLY SHALLOW, all the transforming bits were pretty cool. If we're going to have Death Stars in PA, might as well make them cool. I mean really, what sci-fi creator DOESN'T want to one-up Star Wars? But yeah, transforming metal planets powered by the Player's power generators. Massive nerdboner.
I'm talkin' about the Xbox 360/PC game series. It has nothing to do with /those/ movies... It's much more in line with G1. In-fact, it's copied several scenes from the Original Transformers Movie almost verbatim... (I'm talking about the "Original" movie. The one from the 80s)
They will probably be very similar to metal maps in TA, full metal extractor efficiency, very low wind, a bunch of thermal vents for energy etc.
DO WANT. As admittedly awesome as a transforming landscape is, i'd feel that it would be a good idea if players can see at a glance what systems on a metal planet are active (if scouting an enemy) and what ones are available to you should you come across an inactive planet yourself. I would have it so the surface of the planet is etched with these permanent structures into its surface; being that they are not just 'sitting' ontop of the planet like player structures do, but actually grafted into the landscape as part of the terrain generation process. Each structure would have a unique look that lets you immediately distinguish them from each other. Concept Time! I wasn't considering the actual function of the station in this image, but this is the kind of thing i was going for - a cluster of buildings being part of the overall superstructure of the station and not just an assortment of buildings sitting on the surface.