How about an Update on DLC/TU's

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by hellkingcqh, February 20, 2011.

  1. hellkingcqh

    hellkingcqh New Member

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    I have Stoped playing Uber and to get me and others back you need to work on the 360 vr. We have money we wanna use for dlc if its good. Can you give us some news its been years now!
  2. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    look in the pc section for your answer
  3. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    I know two and a half months since the last free DLC feels like years but we don't have any updates when the next DLC will be.


  4. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Just give me the name of the Microsoft Executive that has control over this and I'll organize a flash mob to poo on his car.
  5. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Yes or no answer to future DLC on 360. All I want.
  6. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Just let me know when and where.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    When they launched the first Title Update for the 360 they announce DLC. Uber said they had 3 separate DLC packs the first 1 being free. So even before the PC version was even know of 3 DLC updates were confirmed by Uber 2 of which we are going to have to pay for.

    Now since we are paying for them I imagine it will be a much bigger update then we got for Spunky. Mind you with the launch of Spunky we got DLC and a title update.
  8. Organous

    Organous Member

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    I wonder if that's really the case. I figure the DLC will really just be a mask for the true purpose: fine-tuning the game so as to be as balanced and interesting as possible. Actual paid DLC would simply be for cosmetic things that will not impact the game significantly. It's already suffering from framerate issues just after the last patch. Both of these things are tricky issues, and then having to work within Microsoft's guidelines further complicates matters.
    I fully understand why it's taking a lot of time, but at the same time, it would be nice to have some kind of statement regularly on the status of things. Once a month, even if it's not much, actively showing you are still interested helps the community feel at ease.
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    But see what if at this stage of the process they are just messing around. For all we know Uber has a crap ton of unfinished maps that they are just using to to test things out on. So say they tell us that any normal person would read "a bunch of maps are coming!"

    If you read their past blogs it's not about when and where to tell you it about what and with what kind of detail.
  10. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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  11. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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  12. ExT Insanity

    ExT Insanity New Member

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    To be quite honest, I don't even need new maps or any new stuff. I just want an update to fix the small errors like when the blue skill doesn't work or just the small little glitches. If these were fixed, more people might stay in time for the big updates like new maps, but if people shy away from this to a bigger game because of small, multiple problems it would be unfortunate and quite frankly stupid.

    Note: I understand there are some complicated problems with framerate and Microsoft issues but those aren't the problems I'm talking about.
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    See the problem IS with Microsoft. Microsoft only allow a certain amount of updates and spaced allowed for Xbla Games as well as allowing the frequency of how often the updates can occur.
  14. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Id rather have balancing patched and wait for an organized well planned dlc then buy something rushed and full of bugs
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    But you see if they choose to use one of their allowed updates on fixes then there might not be a chance at future DLC. Would you rather wait for one update including both DLC and balance changes/exploit fixes?

    Beggars can't be choosers.
  16. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    I think they honestly don't know, and I bet they're leaning towards no. They sound really fed up with MS.
  17. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    News to me. Never heard of a cap on the number of updates a developer can put out. The only thing is, the developer has to pay to put out a patch. Also never heard of the space issue. However, it's certainly awkward to have to download a new version of every map just for some tiny changes. It's not convenient for your hard-drive, but I've never heard of Microsoft limiting the space a game can take up (apart from the original game - it was supposed to be 2GB limit, but Lara Croft:GOL broke that "rule")
  18. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    I'm sure that's changed now.

    I mean, changing the three DLCs. They probably don't know if they're going to release any more.
  19. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Am I on the Team Fortress 2 forums again?

    Oh there's been limits on XBLA games in the past, it's only limited to 2GB now because of how XBLA titles are supposedly formatted or something. I forget the exact reason.

    If you want to know what the limits of the past were, it was originally 50MB (Roboblitz and Castlevania SOTN are examples), then 250 MB (Penny Arcade Adventures Ep. 1 was first to break this), then the current "hard" limit.

    Remember those 20GB HDDs? Good times. Also, I still use just a 20GB HDD, which in practice is only about 13GB since the rest goes to firmware updates, UI, and formatting.

    As for updates, there are ways around the limits if the developer plans well ahead. Ace Combat 6 has a boatload (planeload?) of DLC, much of it being altered skins and stats for existing aircraft. There are 10 aircraft packs (excluding promotionals), with each pack including a free skin which would also have the data for the paid skins, so those with the free planes could still see the effects and skins of the paid ones. If someone doesn't have a pack, they can still play, they just don't see the visuals of the packs they don't have. As far as I remember, these skins did not require a title update to use, and were released roughly 1 pack per month following the game's release. That said, Namco Bandai is a major publisher, so they may have had some leverage with Microsoft that small developers may not have.
  20. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Sounds like a yes with limitations.

    They will update it the best they can, not completely ditch it like Valve did TF2.

    They may not be able to change AS MUCH as steam, they will gather up the most important stuff they can when they do make an update. Hopefully, the 360 version will be pretty good for what they can fit.

    There will be an update when they can get all the stuff together, but if everything can't fit then they will get what they can and at least they tried.

    The only limit there is Microsoft, as usual.

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