Hosting custom Pubs again

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by the_feedle, December 30, 2011.

  1. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    Me and a few others are going to host these classics once again

    Some of you hate it
    Some of you love it

    Either way you can't join in on sesssion and stomp me :D

    And all new players having trouble and confused theres an old topic on how to do it here if you want to learn or try since alot of people hate ze juice!

    Also you might be able to get an ALL time great by going custom class only and 5 assassins and 1 tank.

    Who knows?

    EDIT: IF you wish to know how its done follow the instructions below

    Pull host (private match, a to start, x to quick match) or search cancel search cancel crossfire.

    Second player go to private match custom options menu Y (stay in that menu)
    Host invites second player and the second they show their clan tag/gt you must leave the lobby.

    The 2nd player will become host and if you do this fast enough you skip the host migration and are in the lobby solo.

    Y options available after each match in lobby.

    play the game solo until people randomly appear then invite party
    If no randoms appear restart the game and try again or get someone else to host.

    Nat settings can stop players from entering and dont invite your friends until you see another random entering your game to know it worked.

    Also other players CAN'T Join session.
    Last edited: January 1, 2012
  2. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    it may not be the best but I liked a custom pub that was set up that had only 1 of each class. Forced a lot of players to try something new. Wasn't the most beneficial for the team, but it gives experience.

    I like Spunky Cola Supports only, and played Ammo Mule Snipers only which was fun.
    I wonder how terrible GIII assassin's would be or something of the sorts.
  3. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    grenade 3 is extremely fun with the ejectors off since more players have a safer journey to the middle.

    No spawning bots on spunky makes it extrely tough to get through the def supports unless you have a dual mortar gunner who juices alot.

    I limited most of my games 1 assault and 2 of each other class per team. That way if someone does go pub he gets jumped

    I also try and keep the games seemingly normal ..
    15 min matches 10 min over time but turn juice off and 2 of each class and 1 asssault

    Everyone usually sticks around for these games and the best thing is
    They keep on going and no more waiting in dead lobbies. if your in a party with friends it will split you up from time to time and no one can join in off your host.

    Its random joining games or invite only.

    I might do a few more this weekend but im messing around with my kinect and having fun playing demos with my kids.
  4. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    Yep, joined one last night. Kind of annoying though when you want to play regular pubs so you have to wait 15 mins for the custom one to fill up..
  5. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    I wanna get in on these, friend request incoming feedle!
  6. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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  7. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    I'll do some more today. If you see me on mnc just send me a message and ill invite you or set one up.

    Also give me some match requests if you want certain classes or such or things turned on or off.
  8. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    you dont have to wait for them to fill up since they start up as long as 2 people are in the game (works like a private match) Host can freeze the lobby though by pushing y and changing the options.

    Teams change according to the amount of players. Even if your in a party of 4 your team could split up each game if people join and quit.
  9. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    Sorry I meant that I'd have to wait for it to fill up because my connection was best to the host so it wouldn't put me in a different lobby
  10. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    gemecide usually hosts them with us since hes got a decent host i think..
    still if anyone wants in just message me. host is the only one who can get you in
  11. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    got a couple running last night
    was fun playing all support shotguns and air strikes :>

    Best time to do these is when you got a party of 6 and a dead lobby and want to play something new.

    All support, all gunner, all tank

    BTW: all gunner isnt fun when you got 6 gunners deploying on your face.. cant do nothing at all.
  12. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    By the way Feedle, thanks for posting how to do this again (I know you have posted this before). Me and some friends have been running these with the only change being made is no juice machines. We got fewer quits by people who weren't juice chainers, and the ones who were left right away almost every time, making for a more stable match with people who just wanted to play. There was a lot more bot punching though. It also made more than one of us feel like we were learning to play better since we couldn't rely on a juice chain ourselves...
  13. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    honestly for a good experience on getting better turn the juice machines off, ejectors, bullseye, bots and it might be a little more strategic.

    The only way for the other team to get juice is through the bots or moneyball or tank deploys. So if you got someone gaurding the bots it makes things a little more complicated. Supports somewhat have the upper hand helping the games go a little bit better and people have to play without juice chaining etc.

    Also put the game on 20 mins and 10 mins overtime.

    Limit the the classes to 1 or 2 of each so you dont have a team going all assaults or supports.

    Keep the maps on random as well.
  14. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Lack of juice makes turtle play too OP.
  15. cracker

    cracker New Member

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  16. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    might try some more today...
    also please if your going to do this make sure you got an open nat!

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