There is a 0% chance that you can outsnipe a HOST Sniper unless you're good as S I G M A R or F5in. Am I right?
Stop complaining about host, this is like the 3rd time ive seen a thread with host in it, and yes it is possible to outsnipe the host, granted your decent and he doesn't see you.
Thanks for your answer. I thought I was the only one who had this opinion. What if I say no? Will you do something about it?
If your good enough you can outsnipe anyone regardless of host, either way sniper vs sniper long distance is better if avoided, its not a snipers responsibility to kill another sniper, a body shot to back them off maybe, but your time and effort is better spent elsewhere. sidenote, you never need to outshoot someone as long as you can outplay them, host doesnt affect their mental skill
I am willing to believe that this post is at least 100 percent bull-fecal-matter. You might not like his attitude, but Sigmar is a good sniper.
the kids a full out bitch, but he's one of the best snipers I have seen. I'll give credit to anyone I think is good regardless of how they act. For example, deadeye.