Today I watched a tank stay juiced through the entire game and an assassin blinking about the arena, so I went to GameFaqs to check if anyone else has experienced this horror (hoping it was just a glitch), but found others with their own stories... Read here: I hope something is done about this ASAP, because that kind of activity could put the community off until a fix (and it makes me cry). -MNC Super Fan
I ran across three doing it. I dont think its jtag since the game is on the hard drive it can be hex edited.
only game i can think about the they really cracked down on was Halo 2. since then i cant think of anything.
I'm not sure if this guy was hacking or not but when i juiced as a gunner and attacked the enemy moneyball there was always an assault who took me down in < 2 seconds. Could this be from maxed crits (gold crit and full passive) or hacks?