Homefront DEMO beating MNC

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Sayed Stafa, June 28, 2011.

  1. Sayed Stafa

    Sayed Stafa New Member

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    The activity of top 100 games on Steam, and the Homefront DEMO has more activity than MNC. It's dead again. I'm putting partial blame on Uber Ent for doing a marketing push before making fundamental changes that NEED to be done. Such as, better team balancing, a proper tutorial, and nerfing the Sniper class.

    But, I'm also going to blame most of you players who are selfish and only want to pub stomp. I seen the threads and posts. "Let's help the noobs out", "let's go easy on the new guys", "let's not play MNC for a couple of weeks". And how well did you guys stick to that? How well did that turn out?

    I haven't played MNC since Update 7. It was too hard to join servers, and too frustrating to play against Snipers. When it went on sale, I decided to reinstall MNC since the community has been revived and I really love this game. But the revival didn't even last a week! I don't want to hear anyone blame it on TF2 going F2P, because the community was dieing even before it went F2P on Thursday night. The community died because of pub stompers, team stackers, snipers, and arrogant veteran players. It gets frustrating being on a team that can hardly leave the spawn area, and team mates keep rage quiting (and probably quit MNC for good). Whenever I point out to any of you guys on the servers that you guys are scaring everyone off, I get responses like "fine, we only want good players anyways" or "maybe you should try to stop sucking."

    I hope you guys are happy with what you did. There are less than 300 players left on MNC, I can't even give you the exact number since it's no longer on the top 100 active games! You guys chased off so many people, that Sniper: Ghost Warrior and the DEMO for Homefront have more people playing!

    Advice for any future MNC sales, learn to BACK OFF when you're steam rolling the other team. Or if everyone on the server is obviously not on the same level as you, go to a different server! Play your worst class! Or don't even play at all because stomping new players hurts MNC more than anything else!
  2. hobo-with-a-shotgun

    hobo-with-a-shotgun Active Member

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    Protip: people will leave a game if they don't like it, no matter how good or bad the opposition is. I played normally throughout the spike of players and I see no need to mollycoddle bad players because they cannot or will not learn to; stop front grappling me as tank, trying to down my turrets with a minigun or chase me into my lvl3 rock-it base.

    I remember helping people whenever they ask or if it really looks like they need it ("Hey dude, you should really focus those bots instead of me and my 5 tank buds", "Hey, I'm gonna build you supports a lvl3 rock-it, please keep it hacked and healed", "Yo, we got the advantage, now you need to push into their base").

    This is the first community that tries to tell its regular players to nerf themselves to let new players win, something that I've never seen in any other. If I join a new game, I expect to get raped, so I expect the same courstesy for others.
  3. Kel

    Kel New Member

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  4. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    I think that the new update will it bring almost every player back (for twelve seconds).

    I am really curious how Dangerzone will it be.
  5. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Sniper: Ghost Warrior has more players?

    Ouch. That's like the worst game ever made.
  6. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    not possible
  7. ars0n1st

    ars0n1st Member

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    Definately -1. Team balancing works fine; if there are no 5 star vets around. If there is one person who is one of the well above average players on a team, that team wins. Why do people constantly ask for tutorials? Only 58% of people have even managed to complete the tutorial already given so why waste time making more tutorials only 50% of people will even look at. Nerf sniper; lol is all you can say there. Maybe you should learn to play assault and see how bad snipers really are.

    On topic.

    Most of us can cut off one of our hands and still beat new players so bad with any class they will quit the game. It isn't our fault people won't stick around to learn how to play. Like Hobo said if you are new expect to get raped till you learn to play. The problem is the new generation of gamers are spoonfed bads that have 0 natural talent and 0 ability to learn. If they can't join a game and point, click, and spray & pray to the win then the game sucks.
  8. Sayed Stafa

    Sayed Stafa New Member

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    No, team balancing does not work fine. Despite the 5 star rating being hidden from other players, the leveling up system shows how long a person has been playing. When one team has 4 guys with bot icons next to their level, and the other team doesn't, then there's something definitely wrong. Especially when that team with the 4 bot icon players end up steam rolling the other team. As for Sniper, yes they are OP and don't deny it. I have never seen a game in which snipers can dominate, as I've seen in MNC. What other game lets a sniper bunny hop and still make a headshot while he's in the air? The quick scoping and large magazine size also makes it difficult for heavy classes. Compare the Sniper of MNC to Sniper of TF2, they are on completely different levels as far as balance.

    Is that why tons of players play Star Craft 2? Is that why Civ V is the 5th most active game on Steam right now? Or as far as shooters go, is that why TF2 has the most active players right now? Because it's a spoonfed spray and pray game? I will admit that TF2 does not have nearly as steep of a learning curve as MNC, but it DOES have a steeper curve than a lot of other shooters. It also has a decent tutorial, a training mode with bots, as well as a coaching system. MNC's tutorial only tells you what buttons can do what, for the Assault. The game with the steeper learning curve SHOULD have the more in-depth tutorial. Yet it doesnt, and look at how well it's doing. You guys are acting as if there is nothing wrong with MNC or the community, yet it's obvious there is a problem since the community is nearly dead AGAIN for this game.
  9. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I agree with most of this.
  10. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Well, this certainly makes players listen to you. What's next? Ban those who play Sniper or otherwise are show no mercy. :lol:

    My foes deserve no mercy, and I find little to no joy in playing the heavies, and even Support. My two playstyles consist of being in the action, and out-maneuvering my enemy + pelt with firepower, or sit back and pick off foes from afar, so I prefer both Assault and Sniper nowadays, and I honestly despise playing as Support, or one of the heavies.

    What a moron. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    *edit: Apparently, you've never seen the AWP in CS:S. How can you not call that more dominating than our Sniper.
  11. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    TF2 didn't get tutorials until very recently, and bot support wasn't very far before that(last summer I think, I forget). TF2 was around for ages before it got anything close to a tutorial, and people played it because it was fun. Multiplayer shooters are traditionally learned one of two ways, online guides, and getting raped till you can copy the rapist.

    Almost every person I know that's stopped playing has given me one reason. Not enough maps. I don't think that there should have been a push before the mod tools were released, but what's done is done.
  12. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    I'd sure love some bot support in this game too, to be honest, that way even if multiplayer dies, i can still love this game. :D
  13. Sayed Stafa

    Sayed Stafa New Member

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    When I said don't play the game at all, I meant when there is a surge of new players. And go ahead and call me the moron for pointing out the obvious. But it's apparent that you're the real moron for not realizing the obvious. Go ahead, keep giving inexperienced players a rough time with this game, you're just going to keep having less and less people to play with. If the fact that the Homefront Demo and Sniper: Ghost Warrior have more players then MNC doesn't get through to your head, then yeah, YOU are a moron and you're hurting your favorite.

    TF2 had less things going on at launch, plus it launched 5 years ago. Standards are different now, and as I already stated, MNC's learning curve is steeper.
    And if you think all the new people dropped playing MNC this past week and a half because of lack of maps, then give me a break! MNC was at the top of the activity chart on Sunday and Monday last week, it didn't completely fall off the chart a week later due to lack of maps....
  14. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    i didnt read all of this thread as i think op is wrong

    a few things? how dare you blame people who like to play the game for people not playing or buying a cheap game then thinking they do not like it?

    if they get owned and quit so ****, their loss, they are retards who will never learn. It is not down to the community to be nice, alter their playing style or even lose on purpose to give false hope to a bunch of noobs, when does it end? what happens when they then think that they are pr0 and then get raped when they think they are good enough to not play 3 star servers? It is entirely ubers fault people do not play this game, they made it, majority of people think it is too easy and no challenge or are too retarded to understand wtf they are supposed to do, none of this is peoples fault here.

    this game is so ******* easy you should be ashamed if after 10 hours of play you dont have a positive kdr

    also homefront is a very good game, and it's playerbase is increasing as of late due to new patches actually making the game better and much harder, people didn't like it cos it was too noob friendly, now it is not and people have returned to it and new people are picking it up.

    homefront was very nearly dead, then they listened to the community and implemented changes, now more people play it.
  15. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    I think we have our answer.
  16. Sayed Stafa

    Sayed Stafa New Member

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    There is a 4 page thread on this forum called "To Teach a Newb:A plea to all those on the board". Skimming through it, looks like most people are all up teaching the new comers, because it's obvious this game has a steep learning curve and the game doesn't properly inform newcomers how to play the game. I notice on page 3 of that thread, YOU were saying that everyone should go hard on the new comers, they will learn, this game is simple. Oh, so this game is so simple, that it's gone from top of the Steam activity chart, to completely falling off the chart. :roll: Yeah man, you definitely know how people work. And the reason why I bring up the Homefront DEMO is because a DEMO has more people playing than a game that was $3.75 two weekends ago.
    And yeah, it's not your job to go easy on new comers, it's your choice to go easy or harsh on whoever you want. But it's also you choice to chase people away from this game as well. If you don't realize WHY people are leaving this game, then maybe you should stop and actually think about it.
  17. hobo-with-a-shotgun

    hobo-with-a-shotgun Active Member

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    Don't know why this guy is claiming MNC has a steeper learning curve than TF2. I figured MNC out in a few days. I still get surprised by things in TF2 today, and it's also a far more difficult game than MNC ever will be. I've also racked up an embarassing amount of hours since owning it from 2007 and I still can't say I'm a very good player.

    MNC is a piece o' piss in comparison.
  18. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    i think it is you who needs to think about it, all of my friends i normally play games with all own mnc, and they played less than a few hours between them, why? cos it is too easy.

    more people are playing a demo, why? cos it is free, and also a very good game, much better than mnc, so yes people like playing good free games, look at the huge amount of people playing tf2 now, what happend like went from around 20k per day peak to 100k per day, why? cos it is free, people like free things especially when it is free and good.

    if you are the type of player who plays a game they haven't played before, and do not expect to get raped then you are either a good player confident in your abilities and are not the problem or you are a typical dunning-kruger effect suffering idiot who doesnt deserve to be molly coddled.

    i play hon, i suck at it, suck so bad, what did i do? rage? say the game sucks cos there is no decent tutorial (ingame tutorial is pretty basic considering the complexity of the game)? cry that the learning curve is too steep (learning curve is so steep)?

    nope, i browsed forums, watch some pr0 replays and joined a clan that has a full noob help programme with mentors teaching people, why? cos i understand that i suck and full accept i need all the help i can get, maybes in 6 months i may be a half decent player.

    i played sc2, i sucked, did i cry etc? did people go easy on me cos i was bad? no, i practised my *** off and now i am in masters league, first season i finished in bronze

    this whole attitude of be nice to people that play as if they have flippers for hands is stupid, you dont get that sort of attitude in any sport or any other competition

    http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/728415/1/koTAy/ proof i am not lying, look at last season finishing place so bad

    people always blame other for their own incompetency
  19. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    also this, so much wrong with this

    people play sc2 cos it is such a great game, has loads of players so you will fall into a bracket that you should be comfortable in

    think how many bads get owned a lot in sc2 yet they still play, why? cos it is a very very good game, and has a **** ton of custom games, custom mods = more players, there are thousands of people that havent even laddered, they only play sotis

    tf2 is free, that is why so many people play it recently

    your post that i just quoted kinda proves your op to be incorrect

    congrats on that
  20. Sayed Stafa

    Sayed Stafa New Member

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    Oh yeah man, you definitely are a people-person. Your explanation on why MNC went from top of the activity chart to completely falling off, within a week, definitely makes sense. Now I know why people are constantly rage quitting constantly when the games are one-sided. Yeah, you are the man. Great job with your analysis. I applaud you. Bravo. We have Steven Hawking in da house over here! _

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