HLDSUpdateTool.exe Pausing

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Dedicated Server Discussion' started by Rygoat, June 15, 2011.

  1. Rygoat

    Rygoat New Member

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    Basically I'm trying to host a dedicated MNC server and im having some issues, HLDSUpdateTool.exe is pausing at 21.38% and regardless of how long i leave it I cant seem to get it past it. I've even tried on two different compupters now. One is running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit and the other is running windows home server (2003).

    If it makes any difference the file its pausing on is C\engine\localization\kor\editortips.kor

    I'm updating by making a batch file using : "HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game mondaynightcombat -dir INSTALLDIR"

    and the stranger thing is ive had a server running before using the same batch file config.

    If anyone has any ideas I'd greatly appreciate the help


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