Hitting the moneyball from the opposite base

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Jet Magnum, January 28, 2011.

  1. Jet Magnum

    Jet Magnum New Member

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    Just as the topic says, I've seen this happening twice. Both times on Ammo Mule. I do not know if this can be done anywhere else.

    On a match, my team's moneyball goes down. I hurry back to defend, help taking out the gunner attacking the ball. Everything seems fine. Seconds later, I see the moneyball is being hit, tick by tick. Looking all over the place I find nothing. Finding this to be odd I look up.

    I see a gunner's mortar volleys flying up and hitting the pillar of light that comes from the downed moneyball. And that's not it, it also hits whoever is close to the moneyball. I decide to let myself killed just to see how is this happening and I see the same gunner we took out, deployed, right outside one of the exits from his spawn, just shooting up in the sky without a shred of worry.

    This needs to be fixed ASAP. I do not know if this can be done on any open arena (Grenade/LazerRazor/Spunky) but it is very worrying.
  2. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I've seen this a couple times. It is, as you said, very worrying. I can't really think of a way to fix this aside from making a height cap for mortars.
  3. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    Can you clarify if hitting the pillar of light with the mortars is what's doing the damage, or are the mortars actually hitting the moneyball? I didn't know that hitting the light would do damage to the ball...that's just weird and doesn't seem fair.
  4. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Mortars can keep a ball down from the enemy base in 3 arenas.
  5. Jet Magnum

    Jet Magnum New Member

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    The mortar hits the pillar of light. Since mortar damage is spread on contact, anywhere near the moneyball will also get hit.

    That's very worrying, then. I just hope this is only an issue with gunners, otherwise everyone might just point up to the pillar from any safe spot.
  6. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Tank can do it too, with a little patience and practice. Shhh.
  7. mute

    mute New Member

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    Everyone is starting to do this now. I played several games earlier today and in different lobbies and its clear as hell that the issue is widely public. This nearly ruins every map in the game. Ammomule, GIII, LazeRazor.. haven't seen it on Spunky, but I'm sure it works there too.

    They don't have to hit the MB either, as said, they just hit the pillar of light. Although, even if it wasn't the pillar of light it would still suck.

    This is a horrible situation..

    Worst I experienced: I was in a game on GIII where we had the other team on their heels for most of it, they had just a sliver of their MB left but managed to get their shields back up. I'm one bot away from getting their shields back down when I see ours go down. Ok fine, no big whoop.. we're far ahead.. I'll just finish what I'm doing and end this game in like 10 secs. I look down at the HUD and see the MB health plummeting. I can hear the gunners nearby in their base so I know at least a couple of them are mortar spamming the pillar of light... Since I'm right there and I'm an assault, I jetpack to the middle of their ring from the side ramp to try and clip them off. As soon as I toss my `nade and open fire on one of them, he juices up, ignores me and keeps shooting skyward. I keep firing and as I do I see TWO other gunners further to the right juice up and end the game in like 5 seconds.. from all the way across the map.

    It's going to take like 5 years to get this fixed. And there's already so much wrong with the game. --SIGH--
  8. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    can be fixed by putting a huge floating piece of glass up in the sky with a giant panda on it. =WIN
  9. syntaxbad

    syntaxbad New Member

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    Very troubling indeed. I will never understand what enjoyment some players get out of exploiting obvious glitches in a game. You know its not intentional, and even if it was, its simply Not Cricket. So sad that a few people with no concept of sportsmanship can have such a negative impact on the majority of players' experience.

    It seems very odd that hitting the light column results A) in a projectile exploding (shouldn't mortars just sail through the light?) and B) that this explosion reverberates down the column and hits the ball. Does this mean anyone can hurt the ball by simply hitting the column? Or that anyone with an explosive projectile (Assault, Tank) can just hit the column instead of the ball?

    It may be that the easiest fix for this is simply to put a sheet of glass up in the air at such a height as to preclude this sort of parabolic artillary. Another solution is for people to spontaneously start acting like adults. My money(ball)'s on the former.

    So a hearty and urgent +1 to this bug fix request.
  10. DemonDiz

    DemonDiz New Member

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    I think that it may actually be hitting the MoneyBall, from what I can tell on the end cutscene (You can still see a few raining down). The spread is pretty wide by the time the Mortars actually get to the opposing base.

    It works on Spunky, just not as effectively due to the angle that they would have to be fired at from outside of the Spawn Room, not to mention obstructions like the Annihilator. Of course, you can just sacrifice safety and go to a more open location.

    Wait, why didn't you just finish what you were doing and end the game?

    I don't necessarily see this as a glitch, or even any sort of bad sportsmanship. "Cheap", maybe, but I don't think that qualifies as a legitimate argument.

    Remember, this only works if you fail to keep Bots away from the MoneyBall. Also, it's a very slow process unless a large number of Gunners do it (And if that's true, that's less active Pros on the map), and if you're fast enough, the Gunners that attempt this are extremely vulnerable. I'd be more worried if a team decided to do this, with the remaining Pros focusing on protecting the Gunners. I'm wondering how a team would be able to counter this if that was the case. There's no guarantee that you can take advantage of the lower numbers and push your Bots in then out-damage the Gunners, and if you kill them, they'll be back before the MoneyBall comes back up.

    heh, I'd be even more worried if more uses became widespread, instead of just being a way to keep the Ball down, if not destroy it. Since it's basically been proven through the ability to hit the opposing MoneyBall that Mortars can hit any uncovered space on the map if you know where to aim, what's not to stop them from destroying Bots, Turrets, and unaware Pros from literally anywhere?

    I would think so. It'd probably be easiest as Gunner, though.

    Would putting a height/range limit on the explosive projectiles work?

  11. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Yep, DemonDiz is notorious for doing it. I headcrabbed him a bunch of times while he was doing it. It was really, really funny because they were in a party of 4 doing this against me and my team full of guests. The one game I played assassin against them i pushed bots into their base and juiced like 5 times taking down their money ball and apparently my shurikens have auto aim because right after the game I got messages from his party saying they reported me for aimbotting. Good times.
  12. DemonDiz

    DemonDiz New Member

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    Alright, all I did was tell you what I knew; I personally don't care if this strategy gets removed or not; hell, since I main Support, I have less options to defend against or counter it than anyone. I've got no hostility towards you, and I especially don't defend or condone what anyone I know (or knew, since I honestly don't recall) did or said. I'll apologize for them if you want, but I don't think that any of that has anything to do with anything I've said so far.

    And please, call me Diz. ^_^
    Last edited: January 29, 2011
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    textbook definition of the waiting game.. popcorn, anyone?
    edit: nevermind, ninja'd
  14. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    You know I aimbot? :roll: . I'm pretty sure this is relevant because you're the first person I ever saw doing it and this thread is about, you know, spawn mortaring ...
  15. DemonDiz

    DemonDiz New Member

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    *sigh* I meant as to what I've typed in the thread. Sorry, I'll be more clear next time.

    It doesn't matter who does it, it matters that it's possible. I had information, and yeah, personal experience on the subject; that's why I posted.
  16. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    yeah I've also seen it happen and to be honest its a really cheap way to win. IMO the solution to this is making the motar explode after some time. E.g. if it takes 10 seconds for the motar to go from one moneyball to the other make it so that the mortar explodes after lets say 8 seconds, something like this.
  17. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    I have personal experience as well on dealing with it which is why I posted. Just giving out the scenario on what people who resort to strategies like this act like when faced with adversity.
  18. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    What we need is a button in each spawn base that ends the game.

    What is the point in playing the game like this, the whole point is the fight that takes place between 2 teams to push one or the others base.
  19. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    and that, my children, is why the moneyball needs bots to keep it down. because 3 out of 6 pros dont have any trouble whatsoever keeping the ball down when the other team has build turrets on every nub and even regained half map control.

    any more questions? ok then, devs, make the change, make it to where only bots keep the shields down.
  20. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    nothing quite like this to almost force spawnkilling as a strategy.

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