Hit Detection Discussion (Post Patch)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by PohTayToez, October 14, 2010.

  1. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    One change that has definitely been brought up but hasn't been getting a lot of discussion is the improved hit detection that came with the patch. How has it changed your gameplay so far?

    It's a bit early on, but I think that this change has affected the game in a subtle but very significant way. As a sniper, sniping itself seems mostly unchanged, although the SMG seems to have become considerably more effective now. In fact, all bullet based weapons seem to have been buffed, which includes the assault's rifle and especially the minigun.

    Speaking of which, I'd like to hear from some gunners on how much they've noticed the change. What I notice is that before I could quite easily bunny hop and zig zag through the gunner's fire at medium range, at least when up against all but the best gunners, but now I'm getting chewed up at that range pretty regularly. In my opinion, this is actually the buff that I believe gunners needed, and I welcome the change.

    Also, am I crazy, but has the shotgun been buffed considerably as well?

    Finally, I have to note that my connection right now is probably worse than average, although not terrible. It's possible that this has affected me more than others who might not experience as much lag.
  2. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Imo they buffed it a bit too much

    The shotgun is a monster now, and the minigun rips through even tanks in the blink of an eye. I honestly see this becoming a problem...could be wrong ofc

    I like the indirect buff the AR got though, it always seemed to be lacking that extra small kick and accuracy it now has.

    like you said, the reason I see it as a problem is that it's kinda impossible to "dodge" or "juke" incoming fire now, even terrible players who normally could not even hit the broad side of a barn will be pelting your azz without breaking a sweat.
  3. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I said that in another tread...
  4. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Yeah, it's a bit much.

    Makes things worse for me when my fav classes are Tank and Assassin.

    And Gunners didn't need a buff. The were already too accurate with that thing. Now they can snipe with it. And when you're hit with a bullet, it slows you down. Perfect :?
  5. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I think it's fine, and it's how the game should be. It makes the registration easier for all classes and reduces host advantage. You should never really be running out in the open to challenge a gunner anyway. Plus it's nice how grapples almost always work and the jet gun is useful off host.
  6. jkarr

    jkarr New Member

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    I will agree that Gunners dont need a Buff but I sniped with them before the patch. Depends what Endorments you run.

    I agree, I played a few games last night and it seemed fine for all classes all around.
    Last edited: October 14, 2010
  7. RACIN N420N

    RACIN N420N New Member

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    I use the gunner. I only played 4 or 5 games last night but I never really noticed much difference with hit detection, then again I wasn't really paying attention... I'll keep a closer eye out next time I play though and report back here :) If there was a difference in hit detection, wouldn't it be more pronounced at farther ranges than up close? I like to spam mortars a lot at medium to long range so I'm more likely to be using that than the miniguns, maybe the reason why I haven't noticed a difference yet...
  8. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    Surprised no one mentioned shurikens. Those things now rival an assault rifle since they actually hit now! They go from nearly worthless to almost more useful than the blade! :lol:
  9. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I hardly think gunners sniping, or dropping tanks in one second is how it should be.
    Now mind you, if hes spun up and at close range...well its obvious you will get smoked.
    But at medium and long ranges...the minigun should not be destroying people like it is atm.
    I do agree that the improved detection was needed, but just how much help does a player need to hit a target?

    Grapples are nice and needed the buff.....but getting grappled by a guy 5 feet away barely facing you is just plain silly. Even more silly is constantly getting grappled out of charges.

    Good change...but...just TOO much.

    Jus' my opinion

    I noticed this as well, I would not dare compare them to the AR though.
    They are definitely more useful then the dagger now, at least vs pros.
  10. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    They rival the pre-patch AR. Definitely not the new and improved one, I guess I should've said that. I'm just happy my shuriken launcher does more than launch cookies at my enemies!
  11. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    potato you snipe alot have you been noticing that when you quick scope it drags you off of ppl now. also that the scop will come up twice instead of just once. dont know if it was my connection or.... but it happend to me in 4 diff games last night.
  12. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    That sounds like a lag issue bro. That's the only time I've ever encountered the "Sticky Scope".
  13. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    im going to very upset if that is the case. thanx for the reply though
  14. PigletB12

    PigletB12 New Member

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    Yup when the game lags a lot for me the scope will zoom very far in and out and will usually stick. Tons of lag makes sniping feel impossible.
  15. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    dont know how ive gone this long with that not happening to me. yeah i get the lag and you have to sweep or lead for the headshot but never got the sticky scope. guess ima have to go ballz deep into the scope. sigh
  16. PigletB12

    PigletB12 New Member

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    I've had to lead shots cause of the lag, but when the lag seems to be horrible the scope starts being weird and freaking out on me. Every since the patch I haven't had any scope problems and very little lag, I've nailed quite a feel quick scopes too.
  17. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    I sign on with this opinion. Gunners have gotten a rather large boost from the improved hit detection, and I got into sniping battles with Gunners deployed (level 3) on the far end of the arena with me on the back end of the ejector pad on AmmoMule and was running neck and neck with them as far as damage goes, and I'm using gold RoF! The fact that I had to use the phrase "sniping battles" to describe gunplay between a Sniper and a Gunner already tells you that something is wrong. All of my friends have also noticed how effective the Gunner has gotten as a result.

    And what is it with the grapple? Have they increased grapple range? I switched to SMG to waste a frozen Assassin from about a trap radius away and got grappled. Voice chat went silent and somebody said "...really?" I agree with that sentiment.
  18. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    I am personally neutral about hit detection, while it is easier for me to hit with my shurikens it is very hard to run away after a kill when somebody else is around, or if I have low health.
  19. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Hit detection on the assassin's lunge is still ***-tastic, at least when it comes to having it stop in the right place
  20. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    oh yeah it is nice, and it seems like the lunge got a little bit stronger over night. and I cant even count how many times I have gone in for the lunge and completely missed and went off the map :oops:

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