I was running PA with 8GB of RAM and I noticed it running out of memory on very large planets or on very busy planets. This caused some glitches here and there, and general performance problems as I'm sure many of you encounter. So through some clever negotiating skills ("Hey man, trade you this mobo + CPU for that RAM." "Done.") I have acquired 16 GB of additional RAM The new RAM runs faster, though. Currently I just have the two 8GB@2400MHz sticks in the opposite channel as my old pair of 4GB@2133MHz sticks, for a total of 24GB of RAM. Would I get better performance (i.e. faster load times, etc) if I were to dump the old 4GB sticks and crank up the 16GB to full speed? New RAM: http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=7447440 System specs for reference: CPU: i5-3570K RAM(old): 2x4GB Kingston Hyperx Predator (http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3924615) Motherboard: MSI Z77 G41A Video: 2x ASUS AMD 7770 1GB DirectCU II Boot drive: OCZ Vertex 4 120GB SSD Steam Library: Samsung 840 Pro 256GB SSD Power: Ultra LSP750 750W TL;DR: 24GB@2133MHz or 16GB@2400MHz, which would perform better with PA?
Depends on the system. If the solar system needs more than 16GB the performance increase from 24 will be a lot. If you dont play systems that need over 16 GB, your better off with faster RAM. During my, limited, testing RAM speed made little difference in terms of loading times. Going from DDR3-800 to 1600 improved from 1:06 to 1:04 or so. Ingame fps at start increased from 57 to 67 fps.
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to leave it in as 24GB. PA is the only game I've ever had that chewed through my 8GB.