I love Monday Night Combat. I think it's one of the greatest Arcade games to appear on the XBL Marketplace. But there is room for additions. First off, Blitz. I think that in a future update, obviously a new map should appear. One that can hold 6 players. I don't know why it was created to hold a max of 4 players when there are 6 classes, maybe it's because there would be too many units on screen, I don't know. Second off, Crossfire. Great gametype. More maps should be made for it definitely, it's great fun. And I think those maps should have bot spawns where you could pick which bot you wanted to spawn. (IE, a Gremlin spawn, a Bouncer, etc.) Third, a new gametype. As great as Crossfire is, we need some variation. A new gametype would be perfect to lengthen the lifespan of this great Multiplayer game. Hell, if this game came packaged with some sort of a campaign, more maps, gametypes, and customization, I'd pay $60. A good game type that is very similar to Unreal Tournament and would fit: http://www.uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1321
Sounds like what all our hearts are longing for. I think that with the 4 players on blitz is that there are a lot of bots and you can get lag from the console if there is a lot of bots on screen, and to make 6 players still hard you'd need more than that. :shock: Frankly, I'd like a Slayer gametype. I haven't like Slayer in Halo but in Monday night the combination of bots and players makes it a lot more fun than hunting down 1 player.
4 players makes you decide between what group of classes to play, leading to many more real choices between class combinations and more replayability. That's why. :ugeek:
I think we should be able to spawn bots in Blitz...w/o spawning bots it kinda makes the Supports(my fav class) 1st Passive upgrade seem useless!