function toLog(value) { // Made by rajamonni var max = 100; // max value for value var minDb = -40; // minimum Db, when value is 1 if(value == 0) { // 0 means off, decibels don't have off. return 0; } var decibels = (max - value) / max * minDb; return Math.pow(10, (decibels / 20)) * 100; } var decibels = (max - position) / max* minDb; return Math.pow(10, (decibels / 20)) * 100; } And then add this to (and all others like it) $("#slider_master").slider({ range: "max", min: 0, max: 100, value: model.master_volume(), slide: function (event, ui) { model.master_volume(toLog(ui.value)); } }); This makes your audio controls work much better. sneakyness pointed me to the right line of code so I was able to write the math. Please try this out, it's WAY better than the current implementation.
While this thread probably got Uber's attention if you didn't have it already, the title and last line of your post are probably not doing you any favors. I think the proper place to post your code is in the bug report you filed. Yeah, it would be nice if Uber fixed every bug immediately, especially the ones where they have already been given a fix, but we don't know what their development process, schedule, and priorities are. I definitely think there should be feedback into their priorities. They should try to address the bugs and lack of features that generate the most complaints, but only to an extent. They shouldn't rip up their schedule to address every complaint. To that end, I think it's a good idea to complain here when there is something you don't like, but I think you went beyond complaining and became demanding. I think it would be better for you to convince your peers that this is a problem worth complaining about in order to get them to complain too. By creating a thread requesting action, you are asking Uber to give your voice more weight. Granted you are providing a fix, and I think that should count for something. Let me know if I went overboard with my reply.
At least the sound slider is already working. I would much rather see new features implemented over this tweak. I see this as a polish thing which could wait till late beta.
Yeah, I can see why nobody thinks this is of any significant importance. Please try it out though and see which you like better. I'm sorry for my tone, but I'm a bit annoyed. The fix is so little trouble, why would you not use it? If someone likes it, I might improve it a bit more. But I don't want to use my time on something that isn't useful.
It's an interesting issue I never realized existed. In fact it explain a weird behavior of a volume bar I long ago programmed myself. But since I myself only use the volume bar to set the music volume to 0 I never even have seen it in PA yet.
I hope so, many games do it wrong. The ones I can remember 100% sure are Kerbal Space Program and Demigod. And I can only remember one game that does it right, X3. But they did already something very right with it, they added the master volume. Edit: If you tried my settings.js, please give feedback. Which one you preferred? If you don't know how to do this, just download the file and overwrite the file: media/ui/alpha/settings/settings.js Under your planetary annihilation folder. If it doesn't work, just use the launcher to verify the files and my version will be removed.
Apparently I was too slow and someone here already wrote the code to do this and it's in the current internal build.
SPAM POSTS MODS BAN BAN ... oh wait so the serious part of my post: I just tried both versions and ... there was a difference, but I could not really tell what was better. Maybe my ears are just too bad or something.
I read something on log based volume versus linear. I believe the reason log volume works "better", or at least seems more natural, is because of how speakers physically work in an enclosure.
Apparently it has nothing to do with speaker physics, and just how we hear: ... entiometer ... io_control Also, because dB value is logarithmic when converting to power levels? See us60's post here:
Yeah, human sensory perception is usually logarithmic. It gives us a very large range that we can sense over. Downside is that you can clobber quieter sounds with louder noises easier than you would with a linear sense.