paging @SXX, @DeathByDenim , @proeleert , @bgolus , @jorgenpt , @mkrater , @UberGaf , @varrak ,@sorian, @Col_Jessep , @tHeTrOpHySyStEm , @YourLocalMadSci , @brianpurkiss, @wondible , @cptconundrum , @bsergent , @liquius , @killerkiwijuice , @Alpha2546 , @Fr33Lancer, @yarmond
apparently it doesn't do nothing because when I change the value to 52 (and yes leave the > it's weird i dunno why it works) then the selected = TRUE becomes 0 (the last else)
Mouseover but not selected: vUVAndExtra.z < -1.0 vUVAndExtra.z == -2.0 Mouseover and selected: vUVAndExtra.z > 1.0 vUVAndExtra.z == 2.0 No mouseover but selected: vUVAndExtra.z > 0.0 && vUVAndExtra.z <= 1.5 vUVAndExtra.z == 1.0 No mouseover, not selected: vUVAndExtra.z < 0.0 && vUVAndExtra.z >= -1.5 vUVAndExtra.z == -1.0 Feature: vUVAndExtra.z==0.0 edit: 1.0, not 1.5
The above is correct. -2 = hover -1 = default 1 = selected 2 = hover & selected I use abs(v_SelectedState) > 1.5 in the original shader, but abs(v_SelectedState) == 2.0 would of worked as well. In certain implementations of GL floating point numbers can drift a little, so == 2.0 can sometimes fail when it shouldn't, so using greater than at the halfway ensures it works 100% of the time.
@bgolus @zx0 OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG thannnnnnk youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! I would've never guessed it.