Just purchased PA and every time I try to run it, an error message comes up saying PA.exe has stopped working, please help.
Seems like you buy this game on Steam. First you need to do is link your Steam and UberNet accounts here: https://uberent.com/user/linksteam Then log out on forums and login again, it's should give you access to alpha forum. Then you need to read topic linked by smallcpu before: viewtopic.php?f=71&t=47593 Read carefully and try to fix problem yourself. If it's you can't, please post here your DxDiag.txt file: Run DxDiag tool (Start > Run > type "dxdiag" without quotes), press "Save All Information" button and upload your DxDiag.txt as attachment on forum. Then we all can check your hardware/software configuration and will try to help you.