8496 18:20:53.800282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:20:51.276282 [4144:10956:WARNING:resource_bundle.cc(252)] locale_file_path.empty() 8496 18:20:53.800282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:20:53.619282 [4144:10956:ERROR:gpu_info_collector_win.cc(102)] Can't retrieve a valid WinSAT assessment. 8496 18:20:55.668282 W | PID: 4144 | 12644 18:20:55.657282 [7844:3092:WARNING:resource_bundle.cc(252)] locale_file_path.empty() 8496 18:20:55.668282 W | PID: 4144 | 12644 18:20:55.657282 [9728:12356:WARNING:resource_bundle.cc(252)] locale_file_path.empty() 8496 18:20:55.668282 W | PID: 4144 | 12644 18:20:55.657282 [10760:10544:WARNING:resource_bundle.cc(252)] locale_file_path.empty() 8496 18:20:55.668282 W | PID: 4144 | 12644 18:20:55.657282 [12108:2176:WARNING:resource_bundle.cc(252)] locale_file_path.empty() 8496 18:20:59.638282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:20:59.625282 [4144:10956:WARNING0)] locale_file_path.empty() 8496 18:21:02.607282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:21:02.604282 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/en-us/icon_atlas.json with internal id 43 reported FAIL 8496 18:21:02.624282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:21:02.608282 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/en-us/main.json with internal id 44 reported FAIL 8496 18:21:02.640282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:21:02.624282 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/en/icon_atlas.json with internal id 45 reported FAIL 8496 18:21:02.640282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:21:02.624282 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/en-us/special_icon_atlas.json with internal id 46 reported FAIL 8496 18:21:02.657282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:21:02.641282 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/en/main.json with internal id 47 reported FAIL 8496 18:21:02.657282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:21:02.641282 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/dev/icon_atlas.json with internal id 48 reported FAIL 8496 18:21:02.657282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:21:02.641282 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/en/special_icon_atlas.json with internal id 49 reported FAIL 8496 18:21:02.657282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:21:02.657282 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/dev/special_icon_atlas.json with internal id 50 reported FAIL 8496 18:21:02.674282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:21:02.658282 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/dev/main.json with internal id 52 reported FAIL 8496 18:21:02.674282 W | PID: 4144 | 12644 18:21:02.658282 Could not recognize the mime type of coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/en-us/shared.json 8496 18:21:02.674282 W | PID: 4144 | 12644 18:21:02.674282 Could not recognize the mime type of coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/en-us/shared.json 8496 18:21:02.691282 W | PID: 4144 | 12644 18:21:02.674282 Could not recognize the mime type of coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/en/shared.json 8496 18:21:02.691282 W | PID: 4144 | 12644 18:21:02.691282 Could not recognize the mime type of coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/en-us/shared.json 8496 18:21:02.691282 W | PID: 4144 | 12644 18:21:02.691282 Could not recognize the mime type of coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/dev/shared.json 8496 18:21:02.691282 W | PID: 4144 | 12644 18:21:02.691282 Could not recognize the mime type of coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/en/shared.json 8496 18:21:02.708282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:21:02.707282 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/mods/ui_mod_list.js with internal id 58 reported FAIL 8496 18:21:02.724282 W | PID: 4144 | 12644 18:21:02.708282 Could not recognize the mime type of coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/dev/shared.json 8496 18:21:02.725282 W | PID: 4144 | 12644 18:21:02.725282 Could not recognize the mime type of coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/en/shared.json 8496 18:21:02.725282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:21:02.725282 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/mods/ui_mod_list.js with internal id 61 reported FAIL 8496 18:21:02.774282 W | PID: 4144 | 12644 18:21:02.758282 Could not recognize the mime type of coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/dev/shared.json 8496 18:21:02.810282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:21:02.791282 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/mods/ui_mod_list.js with internal id 63 reported FAIL 8496 18:21:02.864282 W | PID: 4144 | 10956 18:21:02.861282 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/atlas/special_icon_atlas/img/icons/icons_command_attack_move.png with internal id 70 reported FAIL