Hello. I bought the PA alpha on Steam.......

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by kamun, June 13, 2013.

  1. kamun

    kamun New Member

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    ....and I have to say I love the game.

    When I saw the "COMING SOON" : Planetary Annihilation Early Access, I was ecstatic. I missed out on the kickstarter, so I wasn't able to help out then.

    So I did a little research about the price two weeks before the game came.

    90$ For alpha access? What?

    Now I know what you're thinking. "Oh boy, here's some ******* who's going to bitch and moan about the price."


    My first thought was

    "okay, so that's 45$ set back this paycheck, 45$ the next. Simple."

    Then Trading Cards hit.

    I got a Balkan Foil card.

    I was able to get together 70$ of steam credit toward the alpha, only paying $20 out of pocket for the early access.

    I'm very happy for my foresight, and I knew what I was going to have to pay, and I understand and agree with Uber's logic in this manner.

    To all the people on Steam that are moaning and groaning about the price, there's a better price point for you, in December.

    To those of you that are supporting Uber at this stage in the game, see you in game. :)

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