Hello everyone

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by antonyboys, March 24, 2013.

  1. antonyboys

    antonyboys New Member

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    I first saw a video for planetary annihilation, and was immediately fascinated.
    I have a few questions:

    I have seen in the kickstarter trailer on YouTube that the units are yellow (theta commander I do believe), but on the Facebook page they are blue (delta commander)?
    What is the difference between each type of commander, apart from the appearance?
    Are the only enemies the red, or could there be different armies to kill?

    Also what happens if the commander is destroyed? In state of war (an old but epic RTS), when the HQ was demolished the game was over, but in some missions, there was more than 1 (on either side), so could there be missions with multiple commanders? Such as on different planets/ moons?

    Will the planets be designed, or will they randomly generate (for infinite gaming)?

    And one last thing, are you still taking suggestions for new units, or have you lot made up your mind what will exist?
  2. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Probably just player color.

    Different commanders will have different abilities. Not sure what these are yet.

    I think it's safe to say players can choose their own color ("Players" also refers to AI).

    There wont be any single player missions (but there will be skirmish vs AI). Based on Sup Com & TA, the default game type would be game over if your commander dies. There would be other game types though.


    Suggest away, especially if you're a backer. Many units are already roughly designed, but nothing is set in stone atm.
  3. antonyboys

    antonyboys New Member

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    What do you mean by "both for generation? I know they will have to have some form of design (such as player and enemy not spawning right next to each other, or factories not spawning on a tiny island in the sea with no space for units).

    When you say skirmish, do you mean you can choose the intensity of the game, the amount of units, or will there be set difficulty/ game size, for example a limit on how much could generate, or certain amounts of generation (so that the enemy don't get tons of factories, and you only get a few)

    Is there a maximum amount of storage for credits/ energy? (such as 99999, the max credits in a lot of games)

    And, is it possible to change my email address of my account (since I think I miss typed it, though I am unsure)

    Thanks for your help.
  4. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Planets will be procedurally generated. This can take into account what you describe while still being essentially random. Factories don't spawn though, they are built - you start the game with just your commander.

    "Skirmish" simply refers to a single player game against the computer, but there won't be a campaign of missions. There will be the usual options you can specify when setting one up, such as difficulty & max units.

    Max storage depends on how many storage buildings you have, but keep in mind it does not use the same economy model as Starcraft or other traditional RTS's, but instead uses a streaming economy. See the FAQ and other stickied threads at the top of this forum, as they explain this more (or if you have played Total Annihilation or Supreme Commander, they use a similar model)

    Try PM'ing an admin, or search the forums, as it's probably been asked before (but I don't know the answer, unfortunately).
  5. antonyboysx

    antonyboysx Member

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    It's OK about the email, I PM'd admin and got no reply

    In state of war, each mission had a certain amount of buildings, all buildings were in the same place each time:
    Headquarters: only 1, most important (like a king in chess)
    Factories: constantly streamed out units automatically for no cost
    (not all) gold mines: influx of credits went to the one who possessed it
    (not all) research labs: influx of research points (used for upgrading tanks to the next teir- more damage, armour etc.) went to the one who possessed it
    (not all) air navigators: used for gaining airstrikes, and aiming them at targets
    (not all) windtraps: energy influx (sped up production of units)

    In command and conquer: tiberium alliances, you can build and upgrade storage for resources. I know energy does something different, but is there something that speeds up production, and are there "upgrades" for certain types of units?

    I wasn't hoping on getting a campaign version, just one for infinite use (until I'm 50?)
  6. drsinistar

    drsinistar Member

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    Don't worry, Skirmish mode is infinitely replayable. You can tweak the number of AI you play against, change their difficulty, and the procedurally generated planets will provide you all the 'maps' to your heart's content.

    To speed up production, you would build more factories or build engineers to assist the factories in production.
  7. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    There might be an option to start the game with some units already made, but factories won't make units for free, and you can build more structures also.
    Streaming economy works slightly different in that you can build things without having the necessary amount of resources at the time - instead of paying upfront, you pay while you build, and production just slows when you don't have enough coming in.
    You can assist factories with other building to increase build speed. There won't be upgrades to units.

    There will be an "infinite war" mode, which is like a campaign in that you fight across a galaxy, but it's not a traditional campaign (with a story etc.), more like a series of skirmishes.
  8. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    While there are some fundamental differences, i believe the OP should at least watch some replays of supreme commander so that he gets more of an idea about how the game works.

    this tutorial covers a lot of the basics but there are some major differences from what PA will be like the whole tech level thing is going out the window (most likely with just basic and advanced, with advanced units being specialists while basic are standard units). Also there aren't shields or upgrading anything. The video doesn't go into the streaming economy either that some people have trouble with.
  9. antonyboysx

    antonyboysx Member

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    I am so glad this is infinite. Some of my friends may get this game, but when I get any game, I keep on playing it, usually for 1 and a 1/2 years plus. I have seen on the facebook page https://www.facebook.com/planetaryannihilation?fref=ts, I have seen many things which were not in the kickstarter, now I think there are enough units. Are there multiple planets in big, multiplayer games, or multiple solar systems even?
  10. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    I was thinking there will not be multiple solar systems... but then i thought whats stopping that?

    If you hack the xml the right way there probably isn't anything stopping you from adding a second star with orbiting planets to the same map. Everything is designed so that in 10 years from now the game will be scalable to just get bigger with computing power.

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